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iv. boys boys boys-

i listen to harry and his friends' -who i now know as louis and zayn- chatter quietly and just spoke up when they ask me a question.

i look around the cafeteria and i spot luke waving at me from the entrance. i wave back sheepishly and turned to the guys.

"harry," i tap his shoulder and he turned to me "hmm?" he hummed.

"someone also wanted to show me around the school," i look down and scratched my neck.

"huh? who?" he asks just as someone pokes my shoulder.

"hey bella, ready to tour the school?" luke asks the same question harry asked me earlier.

"i-" i was about to answer.

"i'm sorry mate, but she's going with me," harry interrupted with his brows furrowed.

"guys, i-"

"uh, she agreed to go with me mate so i guess that's what she wants?" luke raised an eyebrow.

"i really w-" i was interrupted yet again.

"she said yes to me first,mate," harry also raised a brow.

"oh really? well let's ask her, hmm?" luke smirked then turned to me. harry did the same and i just sat there fiddling with my fingers.

"i wanted to tell you guys that it's fine if you both go with me" i stated nervously but it came out as a question.

their mouths parted and both of them muttered, "oh."

i would've laughed if it wasn't so tense but i restrained myself because they both look like they're about to punch someone.

harry stood up and held my forearm, "let's go isabella."

i nodded and turned to harry's friends to thank them. both of them looked like they were holding in their laughs so i laughed and said, "see you."

they both nodded their heads and louis, the blue-eyed brunette waved goodbye at me while laughing.

"let's go," i faced harry and luke.

"c'mon," harry muttered and luke nodded.


our trip around the school was- let's just say interesting. harry and luke both argued on which area we should go first but i always interrupt them and suggest that i get to pick where we'll go first and they both agreed.

to sum it all up, it was an afternoon full of tension. when the bell rang, we all went our separate ways. harry went to his history class, luke went to chemistry and i headed to maths.

when class was finished, i headed to my last class which was literature and we read a book called 'the catcher in the rye', which was really good. we also discussed what its story is about and then we had a little quiz before class ended.

i gathered my things when the bell rang and i walked out the room. when i was placing my things in my locker, i felt someone's place their arm around my shoulders and i jumped in shock and placed my palm on my chest.

i faced the person and was relieved to see harry smiling at me. i sighed and fully turned to him.

"hi," i breathed out, "you scared me there."

his eyes widened in apology, "i did? shït i'm sorry."

"it's fine," i smiled at him, "what is it?"

"what? what do you mean?" he looked at me, confused.

"why are you here?" i close my locker shut and faced him again.

"oh, uh- am i not supposed to be here?" harry scratches his neck awkwardly.

it was my turn to widen my eyes, "no! that's not what i meant. i'm just curious as to why you randomly ended up here by my side."

"oh," he laughs awkwardly, "of course that's what you meant, uhm- i wanted to ask if you want to hang out with us later."

oh no.


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love you all x

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