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The car slowed down infront of the huge gate. As the guards opened the gate wide open the big white mansion became visible. It was my house although I never stayed there for more than a week. 

The chauffeur quickly came to my side and held my door open for me to get down. And as I took a step out slowly I was greeted by the beaming smile of my Dad. My dad was the only one I had as  my own. My mother died while giving me birth, as dad used to say.

He still looked so young with a fit body, glowing face and sharp eyes.

I was sent abroad for my studies when I was just 7  so whenever I came back for a week or 2, I would spend most of the time with my dad, hearing about business policies or listening about their small married life.

He walked towards me and the way he took each step I bet even the models would envy him. 

"Come here my sweetheart." Dad called me and hugged me tightly. 

I reciprocated his hug and whispered "I missed you so much Dad"

I loved my father more than anything. Even my friends envied me for having sucn a friendly, supporting and uderstanding father. He never had even scolded me once in his life. 

"I missed you too my Nani. This house doesn't feel like home without you. I'm really happy now that you decided to settle here and I'll be able to die in peace after you take my business. "He said breaking the hug so that I could see his teary eyes. 

"Don't say like that you have to live long na" I managed to say without myself breaking into tears. 

It was a month ago that he got reported of having cancer at last stage. It wasn't like he was dying tomorrow and I was trying my best to give him the best medications prescribed by the best doctors but still I couldn't deny his requests when he said he wanted to live with me the rest of his life. And that's why I decided to finally settle here, in Thailand. 

"Yeah yeah sure I'm not going to die without seeing the faces of my grand children. So where's my  daughter-in-law?" He said looking for her behind me.

Yes this was also a decission I took after knowing my father's health.  Although I was just 24 I decided  to marry my bestfriend Rose, who was also the daughter of my dad's besfriend. I knew that he was more than happy for this step that I took. 

"Dad we aren't married yet." I whined and just then Rose came and stood beside me.

"Aah! here. Finally my son and daughter are here. Now this house will really feel like a home." He said hugging her now.

"Yes Dad. But I need to fly back tomorrow to my Mom and Dad. They want me to live with them until my marriage. I already told Nine and he said that he is fine with it." Rose said sadly looking at me.

"Huh what can I say when my Nani gave the permission. But today I'm not letting anyone to go anywhere. I've arranged a welcome party for both you and I want to announce publicly who my  daughter-in-law is" He Said excitedly.

"Sure Dad" We both said in a chorus and instantly laugued at that.

Rose and I were bestfriends since childhood and we were really comfortable with each other. Although I knew that I never looked at her like that and I never loved her but it was better to marry her than any other stranger. And maybe if we get more time I would fall for her. Afterall she was perfect. She was beautiful, friendly, helpful, well-mannered, just an ideal type of a wife or lover.

. . .

"We are trying our best sir but he is out of control." The security guard informed Dad while we were sitting beside each other at the party. Rose was sitting at my other side wearing a blue knee-length frock looking gorgeous. I was wearing a blue blazer matching her colour with white shirt and black pants.

"Don't let him in." Dad replied. 

"Any thing wrong Dad?" I asked casually. 

He looked at me smiling and shook his head. I shrugged casually. I was never a very curious person poking my nose on every matter. I would do whatever I'm told to, efficiently but won't ask why. And when the matter was related with Dad I didn't even need to. I had a blind trust on my Dad.

"So finally this is the day I had looked forward for so many years." Dad said happily to the guests, mostly other businessmen or the media. 

"My Son, the only heir of the Kornchid industry, Nine Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee is getting engaged to the daughter and the sole heir of Teerapet industry, Rose Teerapet." He said and I could feel the pride brimming in his voice. 

There was a round of applause and chanting of wishes as Rose and I walked forward beside my Dad.

"Also I want to announce my son Nine to be the CEO of my company" This time I bowed to every one and nervously looked at my Dad. I knew I was efficient of taking the responsibility but still I was nervous thinking about the big responsibility that would be put on my shoulders. Dad seemed to understand my discomfort as he gave me a reassuring nod and I  felt a bit confident.

Suddeny a loud noise made us all look at the big door from where the sound seemed to have came and there was standing a man.

His hair muffled up, eyes weary, lips swollen and bleeding, shirt wrinkled and dirty with his shoes baked with mud. From his appearance I was sure that he was not an invited guest and he had forcefully entered. Two guards were trying to hold him by pulling him by his hands but he was still charging forward towards us altough judging from his physique and comparing it with the other two guards it seemed impossible.

He was raging in anger as he yelled repeatedly the same thing "You're mine. Only mine."  looking at our direction.

Rose shivered in fear and tried to hide behind me. And that angered me. She had never dated a guy except me and I knew that very well. How could I let a stranger say anything about my bestfriend?

The guards moved at a distace as I walked towards the growling beast angrily and stopped right in front of him. Now that I was standing in front of him I could see that he was taller than me and if he tried he could crush me with his height. I gulped at the sudden discovery but anyway held his collar. 

The man who was trying to break free from so many guards a second ago was now standing there still not even trying to pull from my grip which would not nave been a probem fo him. And his eyes, the way he was staring at me, it felt like he already surrendered to me, it felt like he was trying to devour my face.

"Who the hell are you? And how dare you tell those shits about my fiancee? How dare you claim her?" I shouted at him.

But he didnt reply just stood there staring at me with those eyes which threatened to melt anytime. It seemed like he was hurt.

My grip on his collar loosened on his own.

"Why would she be mine?" He said tilting his face to a side like he was himself confused.

I arched my eyebrow at that.

"You. Are. Mine." He spelled each word seperately, emphasizing them.

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