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Thursday, 20th August 20xx2:30 PM

Dear Diary

Rumours have been spread all through the university that Joong and I are dating. I don't mind because well I actually like that but I don't know why Joong doesn't say anything about this. there are only 2 reasons coming up in my mind right now.1) He is not bothered at all because he doesn't care2) He likes it as much as me.

Well I don't whether the next one can be true but I can't even believe that he doesn't care. He had been hanging out with me a lot these days and he is taking a lot of care for me. He brings me lunch, always walks beside me as if guarding me and how can I forget the soft touches. I feel like I'm always floating on air whenever I'm with him.

And what he did today was totally beyond imagination. While we were sitting on the canteen and having our lunch a girl had approached me and the glares he gave to the little girl, my God if looks could kill the girl would have taken her last breathe today. Although I showed him that I was annoyed but I could feel my feet wobbly out of happiness. 

I don't know but sometimes I feel like he is helping me heal. Since childhood I feel like there is something that I'm missing, that there is piece of puzzle left to be matched in my life. I can't name what I feel but there is always a strange emptiness inside my heart. Perhaps its because I miss my mother. But after Joong came in my life that strange feeling has subsided.

. . .

Saturday, 23rd August 20xx9:00 PM

Dear Diary

The most unbelievable thing happened today and I'm still not sure whether I'm dreaming or is this real. Joong proposed me. Literally JOONG PROPOSED ME. Joong and his team had their finals today so we were all there to cheer for him. And after the game was over and they won the finals suddenly Joong shouted to gain everyones attention. Like everyone other I was shocked too. But then he walked up to me in grace and before I could react he set on one knee making us all gasp.

Then he produced his hand to me and told the most auspicious words. 

"Nine Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee today in front of all these people I want to tell something to you. Nine I've fallen for you really hard and if you don't take the responsibility of this heart I'll be doomed. I love you Nine and I want you to be mine. I promise you that I'll never ever leave you even if you want. And I'll always be with you in your ups and downs, good and worse. And if you reject I swear I'll kidnap you and marry you forcefully. Don't dare backoff now cause I need you to take care of my heart." The words were still ringing in my ears making me blush and feel euphoric at the same time.

After his confession or threats to be more precise everyone had burst out laughing except me who was still confused what to do first cry in happiness or laugh at his confession. And embarrasingly it took me almost a whole 1 min before I could calm myself down and process everything correctly and finally say a yes.

I don't know I really don't know whether it is a dream or my imagination or is it really real.Getting him as mine is something far beyond my dreams but I know that I'll try to be the best boyfriend for him. And I can't help but blush whenever I'm thinking about this. 

. . . 

Thursday, 25th August 20xx11:20 PM

Dear Diary

It has been a year that we are together. He drives me home whenever my driver can't come. We go on dates and talk whole night on phones. And in University, well we are just as inseperable as earlier. We fight sometimes, scold each other, take care of each other and love each other. Its just like we have become our complements.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the most luckiest human being in the world to have him beside me. There is nothing in the world that I want more now. I have got everything.

Losing in the depth oh his eyes, laughing at our funny jokes, sharing our drinks, hugging each other for no reason, teasing each other infront of others but when alone talking about us, our future. The days are passing so quickly and I don't regret anything which we experienced in this time. On the other hand I want to cherish each and every second that I have spend with him.

Although its just a year but I can see myself with him in the future. I don't know if this is a bit strange but whenever I close my eyes I can see myself smiling at him, our hands held together and we are walking together to the endless road of our life together.

We will live in a small house, he will go to work while I will cook for us and then I will wait in the living room for him to come back. Then we will talk a little, have our dinner together and sleep cuddling each other. There will not be any overwork or stress. We will live each day together in our life.And when I wake up I will see myself lying on his chest while hugging him close. I will kiss him on his nose to wake him up and he will whine a bit but then he will smile at me. Then he will tickle me and flip me around, while I will giggle and he will laugh at that. And just like that our day will go on.

We will never get bored of our normal life, we will never have any misunderstandings between us. We will be happy and together forever.






I'm sorry if there are any mistakes because I didn't have time to check. I'll edit later

Hopefully 3 or 4 chapters are left. And if I have time I'll start the next story 'My Angel'.  So the sweet stuff ends here and from the next chapter I'll be starting to reveal the truths and the secrets.

Next update on 3rd March. Happy reading❤️❤️

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