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I put my arm on her back, trying to calm her down. Natalia seems really upset. I start to feel her tears wet my chest. I was about to go to a run around of the mansion when I saw her outside her room. How didn't I hear her leave her room? I wake up to the drop of a pin.

It's either she is getting good at sneaking around, or I am getting good sleep for once. No, she is just getting good at being quiet.

I let her hold onto me for a while. She doesn't stop crying for a while though. Gradually I put my other arm around her and loosen up. Natalia tightens her grip. "No part of the staff came to make cookies with me. No one! I was alone, all depressed looking as I make a stupid pastry." She whines. "It isn't stupid- no. Why would I say that?!" She cries.

I remain silent.

"None of them have even glanced at me. Did I do something? Did my father say something? Honestly. I've been talking to you, but that's like talking to a handsome rock! I am so alone. And need a social life." She laughs.

I was taught not to judge, or really form an opinion. But- I can see that she is hurt, and depressed on being alone. Over the weeks of living with her, I've notice some things that disturb her:

Whenever her father calls she panics worried he is going to yell at her. When she gets confused her right eyebrow goes up and she scrunches her nose. Natalia never gives up when it comes to school. When she gets frustrated she pulls at her hair and sits on the floor of her bedroom with her head between her knees. She is a good kid, but some things just get to her too much.

Sometimes when she is having a really bad day, she'll be in the shower for a long time, up to about two hours, or until the water begins to run cold. But the next day she acts as if it's all fine. I've never seen her cry though.

I know Thatcher has a temper, and always snarls at her. I listen to her phone calls and her voice gets shaky, that's when he begins to get snippy, and too egotistical. Thatcher is a man of his work, not of his family. His business is more important to him than his family. And it upsets Natalia.

"You probably think I am so pathetic. And such a cry baby. And- I'm sorry. I'll go back to my room." She tries to pull away, but I hold her here. She needs a little comfort right now. She tilts her head up to look at me. I look down and nod my head once to tell her she is okay, and can stay. "Thanks Grant." She holds me tighter, pulling herself as close as she can to me.

I was so close to saying something but instead I lead her into her room and sit her down on her bed. I take a seat next to her and she leans against me. I sit up straight and she slumps next me to me. At first she mumbles about why she is upset, but then she eventually totally relaxes against me, signaling she is asleep.

For a few minutes I stay still to make sure she is fully asleep. But then she falls onto my lap and is limp. I pull her up into my arms again and move her into her blankets. I make sure she is in a comfortable position before walking to her door. I look back to see her peaceful, yet tear stained face asleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her. 

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