4 February

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It is finally February the month of love. A time to appreciate that special someone. Yet earth did not get the memo. Australia is burning, political tensions are rising and this new virus keeps popping up, trying to steal the limelight. However, even with the crazyness of life my mind is focused on academics. I have only been here for two weaks and I am already behind. The year I missed due to repeating is having a greater impact than i could ever imagine. Terminology I once knew in my sleep now sounds foreign. I fumble through once familiar techniques and the stigma of being a repeat follows me like a shadow. It hangs over me as I try to find a place amongst a group of strangers. I feel like an outsider desperately trying to fit in with the cool kids. But with two dominating personalities in my new group, my newly formed confidence and assertiveness is being squashed and my opinions are left drifting into the abess as I am ignored. I find myself slotted in amongst the 'quite ones'. The ones' who truly hold Pearl's of wisdom that goes unrecognized and unheard. It is with them where I found kindness and compassion. She would sit with me, helping me get a schedual, a rhythm to my life a plan of succes. While the others chatted. She was my lifeline who helped me when I struggled to stay afloat. For as the world was burning I was drowning and I hadn't even noticed.

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