5 next week...

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Finally block one is drawing to a close. Just one more week and I would be home. I count the days as I am mentally exhausted ready for a reprieve. Yet none will come this week. There is a mountain of theoretical and practical work staring me down daring me to crumble. As the last day finnaly approaches  I still need to get through a treatment session at an orphanage with a beautiful baby girl just learning to walk. A baby who wont stop crying. No matter what we do she sits there balling clinging to her care givers. When we finally get her to settle my partner brings the care giver back cueing another tantrum.

We end the day with presentations that drag on slowly and meticulously taunting me as I get one call after another from my aunt. Finally the class ends and I rush back to my room which is still in disarray after I turned it upside down trying to find something to make into a toy for the treatment session. As the clock keeps ticking away I remember my pile of clouthes just chilling in the laundry room. I fetch my laundry only to find  then still wet but between strict policy and theft I cannot leave it alone for a week. My aunt calls me yet again and as I look from the mess to my wet clouthes I make a split minute decision and leave. I would clean it next week...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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