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One of the few sounds in the vicinity besides the busy and life filled hums of train tracks and small talk amongst children was the whistling of a cool breeze coming through the window that was above you. The wind did not express happiness, yet it was not quite sorrow, it was an inexplicable emotion of nostalgia that thoughts of the person with (H/C) hair held. You couldn't remember the word for it, but it hung from the tip of your tongue, and it irritated you that you couldn't quite figure out the word that you so desperately wanted to use. It was one of those fancy words, you know? Like schadenfreude or something like that, obviously that wasn't the word (holding a very different meaning), but it'd come to you eventually.

Ah right saudade or anemoia, one of those words or something! But... for what? Who knows what you were currently missing out on. Hopefully not much.

You leaned your head on the window of the train, ignoring countless old finger prints from who knows when, vibrations from the journey declining you any rest despite it being so late out. In a way it really did just feel like a regular bus ride back home, like the weirdly memorable ones from childhood, the sheer amount of them becoming a strange blob and mixture of old memories that blended together into scenarios that you weren't sure of the actual accuracy.

You knew very well that lying with your head on the window like this would probably cause a headache, especially with your sleep deprived state, but the comforting vibes lulled you back to rest your head once more every time you tried to move. Maybe you really were just tired and needing some sleep.

"We will be arriving at our next stop within 10 minutes, please be aware that there is a decrease in level between the train and platform when you step out, thank you for riding this railway service."

An announcement. Luckily it didn't catch you too off guard, it'd be embarrassing if you were startled by a train annou-

"Passengers are reminded that smoking is prohibited at all stations and on all train services."

"JeSUS CHRIST ALL MIGHTY-" ah, there it is. Crippling embarrassment. It's not even like you were smoking anyway, so you didn't quite know why you jostled so much, but it earned you more than a few judgmental stares.

You sunk in your seat a little more, God, things were not supposed to go like this. At all. You silently prayed that whatever God you were a crappy OC to's readers didn't die of second hand embarrassment. Life was already piss poor enough, you didn't need it getting any worse, like it obviously inevitably would.

So you, the reader might be wondering why you, the embarrassed bitch on the train was even riding one in the first place. Well, simple answer!

You were to move in with a pair of dear friends of yours, childhood friends actually, since uh you kind were running more than just a bit low on money. And there was no way in hell that they'd let you move back in with your parents, so the most logical thing to do according to them, was to move in with them in order to avoid embarrassment. Not that you did a very good job at it considering what just happened.

Luckily for you though, you'd only have to wait a little bit in order to escape the situation, since you could already see your stop nearing through the window seeing a familiar sign


You'd now arrived at your stop, without making eye contact, you shuffled your way nervously off the train. People really couldn't afford to care for personal space in a packed late night train like this, but you weren't taking any chances and thus used your suitcases as a sort of 'pseudo-shield', you only had two of them but the rest of your stuff would come soon enough.

Sooner than expected you'd already arrived at your stop, the sun was already setting at this point but you didn't really mind, it was pleasant. A yell consisting of your name and 'HEYYYYYYY' rung out and you noticed two people standing by a poorly painted turquoise car (that had clearly been previously a mint green colour even if the crappy paint job wanted you to think otherwise).

What were their names again...? Oh right!

Idiot Sandwich and I ate shaving cream once and I'll never live it down.

Wait no. That's not their names you idiot. Kouta and Mayoko Hada, a pair of siblings who you'd be rooming with, and your childhood friends. Not that you had many but that's off topic-

Mayoko was quite a bit taller than her short brother, with hair that was haphazardly cut into a boyish and messy bob with bangs, her hair matched her often haphazard nature and toothy grin. Her hair was as she put it 'peachy-grey-brown' or in other words, light brown, but she didn't think that light brown sounded appealing. Her eyes were an apple green colour, of which held a sort of carefree look to them, but still maintained a bit of softness. Her shirts were more than often not button up of some sort, of which she tied a small black ribbon/bow around the collar, which matched her black pants that flared out at the bottom. You'd probably sprout wings and become some kind of ultimate being before you'd see the day she willingly wore something with a little more colour.

Her brother on the other hand, Kouta, had eyes that were a lot softer in shape and more blue in colour. He wore a pair of thin rimmed glasses that gave him a slightly smart look to him, which wasn't helped by the oversized sweater he wore underneath his blue-green scarf. His clothes always seemed to be too big for him, besides his trousers, which he opted to go with tight fitting white ones for whatever reason. His hair was similarly wild and short, but contained two symmetrical vertical streaks either side of his bangs. His freckles were wild and scattered across his face like poppy seeds on bread and he had a small smile too.

Mayoko cheerfully beckoned you over, cheery demeanour almost as contagious as a virus causing you too, to pull your lips into an equally wide (yet somewhat lopsided from exhaustion) smile. Sooner than you could say 'Digiorno' you were tackled into a tight hug and even once the brunette relented, you found that she ended up sort of hanging off your arm, like some kind of clingy cat.

Kouta shuffled idly, though whether it was out of nervousness, boredom or it being an attempt to keep warm wasn't immediately very clear. His gloved hands shuffled and his cyan eyes refused to make contact with your own. He held a half grimace on his face, clearly his asscheeks were half freezing off in this weather, and the awkward silence wasn't helping the mood much.

Sarcasm laced like sweet cyanide in your tone, you cooed, "awh~? Not even going to bother greeting an old pal?" Somewhat tense, you hoped that this wouldn't throw him off even more, you'd had enough embarrassment and you were frankly too tired to deal with more. Mayoko wordlessly got into the car.

"L-Listen! It's just fucking cold out here and I honestly don't work well with chilly weather! Forget it being cold enough to freeze the my tits off." He half hissed his words, yet they weren't filled with malice, just mild annoyance. He was absolutely shivering and you noticed that a snowflake or two had made his eyelashes it's home.

Mayoko let out another cheeky grin of hers, "righttt, then let's get in. Otherwise my ass might actually freeze to this damn car."

Shivering, you get into the car and pray to whatever god there is up there that the backseats are heated, and luck is in your favor. Kouta puts the key in and starts up the car, his gloved hands barely touch the steering wheel before he flinches back from the icicle-cold ass material, but he puts his hands back on steadily a moment later. You clip your seatbelt in after turning on the heated seat, and groan in annoyance when the seatbelt decides that your hair (if you have hair) would be the best place to snag.  Untangling it, you lay back on the leather seat, was it even leather? Smelt like it. And rested your head a little, tire overtook your senses and eventually you ended up falling asleep in a chilly car.

The ride to your new home would be a long ass one.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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