|Fourteen: Goodnight n Go|

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Angel's Delight was a mess. It had been turned into a crime scene and there was an ongoing investigation. News had spread that there had been a murder, and citizens crowded round the small shop front to catch a glimpse of the scene. However the police tape stopped nosy passersby from finding out any details that needed to be kept hidden. The type of animal that attacked the victim was still unknown, and it certainly had all of New York on the lookout for any suspicious activity.  

However the more Sam found out about the magic realm, the more he questioned the events that went on around him. How much damage caused by the magic realm- including angels- had been covered up and disguised as unfortunate accidents? Were any mortals aware that it existed? 

As Sam stood in front of the store front with various strangers, he watched as their local news broadcasters got ready to make a statement to be aired on television. He had to admit, for someone that was studying journalism, this was certainly a juicy story. But this felt so close to home, and the story hurt knowing that the murder took place in the family business. 

"This is unbelievable," Nick commented as he folded his arms over his broad chest. "What sort of animal could be loose in the city?"

His best friend sighed deeply and shrugged. "I'm not sure, but whatever it is it's clearly deadly. I have no idea how it managed to get inside the shop." 

"Are you okay, Sam? The last time this happened you were shook up for weeks," Nick reminded him with a gulp, remembering the time himself and Sam were unable to save Cassius' life. His friend was torn at the fact he died in his arms, and this was arguably worse. He couldn't imagine the trauma of discovering a dead body all alone. 

"Honestly, I'm okay," Sam replied, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm just tired. I haven't really slept the past few nights since it happened, and there have been cops circling the apartment all night in case the animal comes back," He informed Nick, who just gave him a sympathetic look. 

"You sure you're okay?" Nick questioned. 

Sam nodded. "I'm good, don't worry." He forced out a smile. The whole angel thing forced him to look at things differently, and oddly enough he wasn't too shaken up over what happened. In all honestly he was just sad that this happened to an innocent girl.

Nick's phone rang and he excused himself, weaving his way out of the crowd to answer whoever was calling. Sam suspected it was his fiance, Nancy, since they were both busy planning a wedding. His old life seemed so far away when he thought about mundane things like friends, university and weddings, all of which he was supposed to be present for. Recently he had put his mortal life on the back burner, too focused on trying to process the fact that he was an angel. It still hadn't clicked that this was all real. For some reason he expected this to all be a dream, and one morning he would just wake up from it all. 

But every day he woke up and things were the same. He was an immortal creature whose purpose in life was to track down and kill vampires. 

"The 'animal' they're talking about is a werewolf," Someone beside him stated, causing Sam to jump a little. But he relaxed when he realised who it was. 

The prince was dressed entirely in black, clad in his signature leather jacket and sunglasses to protect his eyes from the harsh rays of sunlight. It was a cloudy day, but it still burned his skin. 

"What the fuck are you doing here? What if someone sees you?" Sam whispered. 

"Relax, I'm glamoured and your dad isn't looking for me right now. But I don't have long, I'm burning to death as we speak," Cassius grumbled, pushing his shades further up to his nose. 

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