|Fifteen: Midnight City|

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Warning: A little bit of mature content.

"Goodnight, Sam." 

Cassius' voice replayed in his head over and over again. He couldn't stop thinking about him and smiling, even as he threw punches at the bag in front of him. From a short distance away Uriel observed him curiously, seeing that the boy was skilled but not focused. It didn't matter what he said to the angel, Sam didn't want this. He had said it so many times, but he couldn't be convinced that vampires were the enemy. They were bad people who killed humans, fed on them, drained them of their blood. 

"You're not going to pass your test if you punch like that," Uriel commented, causing Sam's movements to stop immediately. 

"Test? What test?" Sam questioned him, out of breath. He steadied the punching bag and wiped his forehead of sweat, a scowl on his miserable face.

"Your skills test. It's what you need to pass to become a certified vampire hunter," Uriel explained. 

"Why didn't my dad tell me that?" Sam asked, pulling the cap off his water bottle. He chugged the water down, feeling some of it run down his chin. He was positively sick of training. 

"Because he knew you'd be opposed to it, but I think you have a right to know," Uriel told him honestly. 

"Oh you do?" Sam chuckled and rolled his eyes. "My dad doesn't fucking tell me anything. How do I pass this test then?" 

"Successfully kill a vampire," Uriel told him bluntly. 

"You're kidding," Sam replied. 

"I'm deadly serious," Uriel stated. "How else will the heavenly council trust you out in the field if you've never killed a vampire?" 

"The heavenly council?" Sam snickered. 

Uriel's eyes narrowed into slits. "Yes, they are in charge of all angels. They live in the Heavens, which is where your test will take place."

"The Heavens? I thought Heaven was where good people went after they die," Sam snorted. 

"Not Heaven. The Heavens. It's where the founding angels reside, the most powerful beings in the magic realm," Uriel explained. 

"Wait, I thought the Vampire King was the most powerful being in the magic realm?" Sam asked. 

Uriel rolled his eyes. "He's the King, yes, but he's not as powerful as the Heavenly Council. Nobody is." 

"Have you ever seen him?" Sam asked quietly. 

His trainer raised an eyebrow. "Who?" 

"The Vampire King," Sam whispered, as though he was actually listening. Surely he couldn't be that bad if he helped create Cassius. Although, he couldn't help but remember how deadly his sister was. She was willing to kill Sam without a second thought about what her brother wanted. However, he felt comforted by the fact that Cassius admitted he cared for him, despite him being an angel. 

"Once," Uriel admitted. "A long time ago. Possibly a century ago. I had a daughter, and she had the most beautiful soul," He began, and Sam gulped. He could tell where this was going, but it didn't make it any easier to listen to. "My daughter was sent out into the field, and she ended up hunting down one of Dracula's many minions. He was mass feeding, and had killed hundreds in one night." 

Sam noticed tears pooling in Uriel's eyes, but he pretended not to. 

"The King captured her, and tortured her for many months," He explained, voice cracking mid-sentence. "I-I had no idea. Myself and many angels went out looking for her, but I knew she was dead. I just refused to admit it." 

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