|Three: Hell, Yeah|

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Later that night Sam clocked into work just on time, not looking forward to the long shift ahead of him. His boss had himself and his co-worker, Maddison, working behind the bar where there was already an enormous crowd waiting to be served. However he expected this. It was how he spent every Saturday night, and if he was being honest it was more quiet than usual which said something.

"Did you have a fun birthday?" Maddison asked him as he walked out from the back, pouring drinks for customers as they made small talk. His co-worker was sweet looking, with short, brown hair and matching brown eyes. But you weren't to be fooled, as she was feisty and honestly much better at handling rude customers than Sam was.

The boy nodded, though he was still suffering from a pounding headache. Loud music and argumentative drinkers weren't going to make it any better, either. "I don't feel so good today," He admitted, making the girl beside him laugh.

He sent her a glare before serving the next customer in line, though there wasn't much of a line. He tried his best to keep track of who was next, but honestly it was impossible when there were about twenty different faces in front of him every second. It was easy for him to recognise some of his regulars though, and he was proud to admit that he was an excellent drink maker. It was a shame that a lot of people just asked for beer, but he supposed that he was often guilty of doing just that.

When eventually the amount of people at the bar became manageable, he stopped for a break and grabbed a glass of water. He wasn't sure why, but ever since earlier that morning after his dad gave him the bracelet, something felt weird. He couldn't explain it, but he was blaming it all on his hangover. However, he had never had a hangover this bad. He felt dizzy, and the lights were shining so brightly in his eyes.

"Whoa Sam, are you okay?" Maddison questioned out of concern, seeing all of the colour drain from her friend's face.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom," He told her, seeing her nod quickly before he left. The staff bathroom was one small stall, with a tiny mirror and an old toilet and sink. As soon as he entered the stall, he leaned against the metal bowl, running the tap and splashing his face with water. Then he took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror, seeing he looked just as tired as this morning. He was never drinking that much ever again. After going back inside the club last night, just after Cassius left, he ended up consuming a lot more alcohol than he was supposed to.

Before leaving the bathroom, he just rubbed his face tiredly and headed back out onto the front line. He felt a lot better than before, so he obviously just needed a break from the music and muggy atmosphere.

It was going to be a long shift.

Meanwhile at the vampire mansion, Cassius was pacing across his bedroom, deep in thought. He thought that after a day he would be over seeing the most beautiful human he had ever come across, but he just wasn't. His mind had become obsessed with wanting to know more about him and what he was like. It was really hard for him to find out any details about him, since he seemed so reserved.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to talk to Nick, about Sam, so you can find out his whereabouts... so you can go and stalk him?" Theo recalled the plan, not disguising at all how ridiculous he thought it was. Of course the vampire was aware of how insane he looked, but actually it wasn't the worst plan he had ever come up with. In fact, it could be considered quite tame for him.

"Yes." Cassius nodded in confirmation, his feet finally taking a break from walking from one side of the dark room to the other. His friend gave him an incredulous look, shaking his head in opposition.

"Absolutely not. I don't want Nick to think I'm the one obsessed with his friend," Theo argued, pointing out just one flaw in his plan. He had finally made some human friends, and he didn't want to mess it up by taking part in one of Cassius' silly schemes.

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