The Beginning

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Lexia Whitetip's POV

It was a midsummer evening, around four o'clock. Nicole and I were just leaving the park on Pine road on the south side of Oaktown. When a Black SUV, with tinted black windows began to become more noticable following us. We began to quicken our pace. The worst part of this road was always silent and only one way to go, backwards or forwards. And this SUV was leading us to a dead end, up ahead.

Suddenly the car stopped and the driver stepped out,Nicole looked wide eyed at the stranger. I began to take small steps backwards toward the forest behind me that stretched out for acres and acres.

"Wait, I know him. He's an old friend." Nicole grinned at the intruder, while making her way over to the guy.This guy pulls Nicole into a friendly hug.

"It's nice to see you Nicole, and you must be Lexia!" He says

"And you are........?"I dragged out

"Where are my manners." He joked

"Sorry to cut this short, but I assume if you're here then you need us to come with you ?" Nicole says

Mystery guy nods and gets back into the SUV, Nicole follows. I hesitated thinking how nuts I am to get into a car with a stranger....

Finally I gave in, because well, why not. Might as well. I mean Nicole knows this guy, and she trusts him enough to get in a car with him, so I guess.

This stranger was tall around 5'9, built, and the perfect other half for Nicole.This guy had Brown hair, and Blue eyes. Not to mention he seemed very protective of Nicole.

" So Lexia, this is my boyfriend Jax, his best friend Elias is waiting at the school for us." Nicole says

"Oh and Lexia.......I'm sorry about this." I was confused, and Jax could tell.He looked at me with sadness yet a tint of relief.

And that's when I felt the pinch in my wrist, I looked down and noticed a needle poking my skin. Some sort of substance was injected into my system, the gold substance seemed to sparkle as it left the syringe and entered my body.

Slowly my vision began to blur in and out, black dots seemed to dot at the edges and slowly move to darken my vision. Then everything was dark and silent, I was surrounded by the emptiness of nothingness.

When I woke up, I was instantly bombarded by Nicole's pesky questions. I noticed Jax in the background talking to another male, probably at the age of fifteen.

This other male had; dark brown hair, and brown , a height about 6 feet, and he seemed guarded. Once his eyes made contact with mine he seemed to relax, and I'm not sure if the two love birds in the room noticed his change in behaviour, but I certainly did. My attention was snapped back to Nicole as she continued her questioning, by the time she was finished Mr. Hotness was gone.

" Elias is waiting outside the infirmary for you, I hope it doesn't bother you that he will be showing you around. I have a few things

to do so, he will also introduce you to your roommate, unfortunately I can't share a room with you, but you will love your roommate !" Nicole says

I gave her a nod, and I headed out to find Elias. I found him right where Nicole said he would be.

I held out my hand, and greeted him.

"Hi, I'm Lexia Whitetip."

I waited about five seconds without a response, instead Elias just stared at my wrist. Then suddenly he began mumbling something to himself. Finally he shook his head and brushed past me.

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