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Lexia's POV

I blinked open my eyes, and sat up. My chest and shoulder felt better, almost nothing.

I noticed a woman probably in her thirty's talking to Aviva, Aviva nodded and walked out of the room. The women noticed me and sat at the end of the bed I was currently on. The women had; long

silky looking silver hair, and oval shaped stormy gray eyes, the type of grey that didn't show blindness, the colour was almost blue. She had high cheekbones, a thin layer of silver eyeshadow, red lipstick, she wore a beautiful off the shoulder plain grey shirt, and normal black leggings, and black ankle boots with laces.

This woman wore a smile as she talked to me, she introduced herself, and we began small talk and she even handed me my schedule. We had a little chat with me about training, and I told her I'd give it a try. She seemed really happy with that answer.

Once she left, Aviva came in and we started chatting up a storm, just getting to know each other.

"Hobbies." She fired

"Sports, Reading, Creative Writing, Oh and I love messing around with a Scythe, throwing knives and a bow and arrow. What about you?" I asked

"Sketching, Reading, Sports, Swimming, and messing around with double edged swords, daggers, and a Reaper staff blade." She says

Two things caught my attention, one was the name of that last sword and secondly was I was told females don't fight...

"Hey Aviva, I thought females don't fight." I asked her

She froze. Leaning in she whispered,

"Don't tell a soul this. But I usually sneak into the training room when no one is in there, and just mess around with the weapons. No one knows I do except you and the schoolmistress Lisa, she's fine with it though. That's also why I was excited for you to come because Lisa told me alot about you and your...... style!" She trailed off

I grinned, we are already so alike it's not funny.

" Sorry to interrupt girls but I'd like to bring Lexia with me for her first day of training. Let's just say if you don't pass our tests you can't join, because some of the guys are already riled up about you even stepping foot in the room..." Elias interrupts

" Go show 'em who's boss!" Aviva gave me a wink

I felt much better, getting up I was fine as I followed Elias to the training room.

" Ignore their comments and remarks, but first we need to get you into a suit that fits you perfectly. Thankfully schoolmaster Lisa set up a suit for you already all you gotta do is put the thing on, and also if you do make it. On the way back I will explain everything you'll need to know, good luck!"

He took a deep breath and opened the door. When the door was opened all communication and movement stopped, next thing I realized was that I was being stared down by around three dozen men. Some had welcoming smiles while others wore scowls.

As I walked behind Elias whispers spread across like wildfire, but as Elias said I ignored all of them. Jax came outta the group and gave me a friendly smile. I immediately relaxed thanks to the friendly face.

" This is Lexia Whitetip, and she will be training with us." Elias announced

A tall warrior made his way over to me. He held his hand out and introduced himself.

" Hi Lexia, I'm Arin. Welcome to The Catalyst Warriors Of Catalyst Sacred High."He says

"Hi !" I say

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