Transfer student

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Author chan here!! This story starts the year the prisoner of Aksaban took place for many a reasons. You are the same age as the rest of the characters so dont worry x3

With basic robes, undesignated of house color you gazed out the window in Dumbledore's office. Seemingly lost in in thought, you arm crossed your chest as your hand gripped your adjacent shoulder. So much has happened the past few weeks. From being home-schooled by some of the very teachers attending this year your whole life to being rushed out. Questions buzzed in your mind, just what the hell is going on. 

Your hand trailed over your chest as you took a breath, your heart finally able to settle down as everything was last minute. "(Y/n), it's time." Dumbledore said, startling you slightly. You pulled yourself together and walked out with him town twisted and ever-changing staircases. Upon reaching the entrance to the large dinning room he had split off from you to briefly apologies for interrupting the feast, "Everyone, everyone, we have a last minute transfer student who has yet to be sorted." The whole room erupted in mutters, guess this thing didn't happen too often. 

"(Y/n)." Albus called you forward. Though nervous, you took a deep breath, 'Just tune everything out, it's only you and him in this room.' With that your confidence returned tenfold, a basic exercise that cured most anxieties for you. You stood up right and walked down the hall, the fire on the chandeliers contoured your perfect features, highlighting and darkening just the right areas, you're (h/l), (h/c) bounced lightly as you walked down the hall, each step taken with confidence. In your calmed state of mind you had no idea all heads were turned on you, both male and female alike, almost memorized. Their gaze followed you and each table was entranced to say the least. You stepped up the stairs, your head held up, focusing on your target, the sorting hat. 

Each house started to bet on which house you'd be in, rather Griffyndor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, each positive in their bet. Albus welcomed you with open arms, gesturing to the chair in which you'd sit at. You took a deep breath and turned to sit, re-doing the breathing exercise your father had taught you so well. Your gaze trailed up to the ceiling of the place to help soothe your anxieties. The Sorting hat was gently placed above your head, about to address you by your last name in which you pleaded mentally for it not to, "(Y/n).. A gentle soul... brave, courageous even.. intelligent,  so very intelligent." As each aspect of you was announced by the sorting hat each house got more and more excited and confident in their bets, the crowd almost giddy. "And yet i'd have to say... Slytherin!" As the other tables almost booed at their loss the Slytherin table seemed all too happy to accept you, a mix of frustration and over excitement filled the room. 

Albus encouraged you to head towards your house table with a gentle nod and through your confusion you stumbled your way over there, the crowd starting to get at you, your confidence started to turn into shy, bashfulness. You were hesitant on where to sit until you heard your name called- which caught you off gaurd, "(Y/n), is it?" A voice called from the Slytherin table. His platinum blonde hair made him stick out in a crowd almost as much as you, "Uhm- yeah." You spoke softly but loud enough for him to hear. You grabbed your wrist out of anxiety, starting to realize everyone was sort of looking at you. Though, not nearly like the attention that was glued to you seconds ago- that thankfully you never realized was there. "The name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He clarified, unsure of what to do you simply smiled and nodded, he had turned to his goons and shoved them out of the way almost out of disgust, "Uhc- move over Crabbe." The boy called Crabbe nearly fell off, but Draco grabbed your attention, "Well come on now, sit down. Not even sure if what just happened- happened you took a seat next to him. The amount of food almost overwhelmed you, unaware of where to start and barely  hungry you took a croissant as Malfoy gave you the whole shagreen of an introduction.

"Strange things happen at the school, tends to bring even stranger people. Like Pottah over there. Or that filthy mudblood next to him. Makes me sick just to see all three of em. Merlin knows what would happen if you ended up with that lot." As Draco expressed his distaste for the trio, you simply observed him, he didnt seem so bad, "Dont worry, (y/n) you're with us, you dont have anything to worry about it." He spoke once more. There was no way he was right- but you felt compelled to listen to him. Perhaps your anxieties were just getting the best of you and you needed something to focus on instead of-- over four hundred other students.

You didnt talk much, you simply took small bites of your croissant and did your best to tune in on there conversation, "Don't talk much do you? Cat got your tongue?" He teased with a smirk causing you to chuckle, "Oh- I suppose so, yes." You responded shyly with a smile, "Can't blame you, I seem to effect most women like that." He said with utter confidence, "Oh do you now?" I asked only boasting his ego, but i couldnt help but continue to smile to his antics, "Perhaps i should keep my distance, wouldnt want to go mute." I said looking directly into his eyes, confidence in mine and a cheeky smile across my face. He brushed it off as he cleared his throat, not wanting to answer as he patted me on my shoulder. "I think I like you already." I chuckled lightly, "Glad to be liked." I teased him once more, the smile perminatly glued to my face. This first day was amazing!

It was then that our table stood to go to the Slytherin dorms, the Password being pureblood was etched into my memory, a mental picture snapped, capturing the portrait and the word used to open the doors. I still had a smile on my face from earlier, a little taken back on how well things went. I was so pumped I walked around my room a bit before unpacking sorting things out and- when I went to put everything away I picked up the pale yellow letter. I walked over to the padded and cushioned bay window and read it once more in the moon-lit night.

Dear, (Y/N).

I'm aware this is sudden my sweet flower, but I'm going to be gone for awhile- a long while. Alot of things are going to happen and I'm afraid Daddy wont be there until your almost grown. None of this is going to make sense, I know how difficult this may be for you, but dont fret little petal, everything is going to be okay.

With love, Sirius.

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