new friend

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You seemed to be up and ready before anyone else, waiting in the common room. You wouldnt lie to yourself- you were excited, energetic. In fact you were unable to sit still, pacing around the couch only to stop for a few seconds to examine something. This place was so different from home, so many new faces. It may be overwhelming but you saw potential in each of these people. They were all like you, talented beyond muggle imagination, feelings thoughts and memories individual to each person. You were like a puppy eger to go for a walk. Your were straightening a picture, the sunlight albeit bright softly illuminated your features, the strong rays being sucked into black lake just a little ways from the Slytherin dorms you took refuge in.

You hadn't realized Drago was admiring you for a hot minute, "If you keep messing with it you'll be here all year." He spoke, gaining your attention. You turned around with slight chuckle, "Right, yeah. Classes." You said feeling a little awkward. "Meet you there." You said though uncertain you know how to get there, "You dont sound so sure of yourself, (Y/n)." You played it off as cool, "Yeah, yeh, of course I'll just meet you there." He shrugged it off unable to wipe the smirk off of his face as he left. You hesitated a quick moment before finally fixing the hanging decoration and sped on off towards what you thought was class only to hear the boy speak up again, "Wrong way, (Y/n)." He called out without even turning around. You waved your finger a couple times in the air, "Right, right. I knew that!" You called out before going to catch up with him.

Defense against the dark arts! Let's go! Professor Lupin introduced himself, though, I already knew him. He was close with my father, Sirius, and he was every bit playful as I remembered. Today were were learning about Boggarts... a creature that shows your worst fear. I dont really think I'm afraid of anything.. social anxieties surely.. but can a Boggart really re-create those kinds of situations- let alone pick the one I fear most...

The wardrobe in which encased the boggarts shook violently, encapsulating the entire class. After a few demonstrations Professor Lupin had kicked up some music and one after another we each did as such. From professor Snape to snakes, spiders and-- a dementor...  I dont blame Harry for fearing such ruthless creatures. Lupin had immediately jumped between the boggart in which reflected a full moon that quickly deflated like a balloon, I suppose to help ease tension he called me over to try. I took a deep breath, preparing for self embarrassment when the lights started to flicker a dense fog withered plants that came into contact with. The fog avoided me with ease, almost purpose and in and instant I flick my wand at the mass of fog, "Ridiculous!!" The dense black fog poofed into snow that gently scattered across the room. I looked around the class taking a moment to catch my breath as Lupin finally decided to end the class. "I almost killed the entire class..." I said still shaken up, stumbling to sit back in a seat. The students didnt seem to stick around me and Harry had exchanged a few glances.

"(Y/n)? Right?" He asked seeming to be as emotionally drained as I. "Yeah, Potter- right?" I had asked doing my best to keep the mood upbeat, he shook his head somewhat bashfully, "Really you can just call me Harry." He reassured, "Harry, Harry, got it." I said giving him an awkward thumbs up with a nervous stretched smile I continued to knodd and brush my (h/c) locks out of my eye (if you dont have enough hair to do so, or are bald you did it out of nervous habit.) "Was your first day as bad as almost getting the entire class killed?" You asked slightly nervous. He had laughed nervously, "No, not quite." He said, "But it will get better, hopefully." I lightly laughed at his comment, "Thanks." My response was lighthearted.

It was silent for a moment, Lupin had left to get us some water and get me something to help calm my nerves. "I just dont get it." I cocked my head as I looked over at him, "How are you a Slytherine? I mean, they're just- and you're, you." He asked a genuine thought on his mind but his lighthearted mannerism and way of words made me laugh lightly, "I honestly don't know, my father and his friends were in Gryffindor. There shouldn't be a reason for me to be in this house but. Here I am" I explained as I outstretched my hands a bit, "Who was your father?" He had asked and seemed to regret it from how I reacted, "My dad is, you know- dads..-" before I could finish he dismissed it and nodded, "It's okay, you dont have to tell me." He said. I hung my head, "Sorry it's just complicated right now with everything." Harry insisted it was okay and when I tried to counter what he said we just laughed lightly.

"I know what you mean though.. Draco had said to stay away from you three-- I didnt pay any mind to it. I figure he has his own reasons-" Harry had interrupted, "yeah, hes a dick." His remark had caught me off gaurd, it wasnt funny-, it wasnt funny! But it made me slightly and chuckle slightly out of surprise. "Rivalry, got it." You said pointing up to a metaphorical thought.

"Its not a rivalry, hes just a cunt." He verified, "Are you sure cuz it sounds like a, anything you can do I can do better-." I could tell he wanted to argue but he couldnt bring himself to admit I was wrong or right. "So I am right." I said leaning towards him only for him to playfully push me away, in which we shared a laugh.

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