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Aight, bad news. I got the scene order mixed up. It aint my fault they are so close to each other in th beginning. Good news- its fixable they will simply swap places. Sorry for the mix up hope you enjoy.

"Thank you, I needed that." You said breaking the silence once more, "Its no problem really." There was a halt to his words as he seemed to word them carefully, "you um, if you need anything just ask." I smiled, "Yeah, yeah deffinetly... umm I have a class with Hagrid, I'm not 100% sure how to get around just yet. If it's not too much trouble..?" You asked semi guilty. He shook his head, "No, not at all, I do as well, it's just up this way." We got up and left. Though I was hesitant Lupin had yet to return.. I felt bad having him go through the trouble, I'll have to apologize later and get him something to make up for it.

Harry popped back into the room, "You comming?" He asked. I pulled myself out of my thoughts to grab my bag and follow him, "Yeah, sorry."

When we had arrived outside the Slytherins muttered to one another.. Draco especially looked displeased. Their judge filled gaze made me want to shrink, "Um.. th-" before you could thank Harry and make your get away before trouble could start- it simply waltz up to you on a grass matted catwalk. You reluctantly raised your shoulders wanting to hide from the whole endeavour, shrinking in your hair and hiding behind what frayed into your face.

"Late are we Potter?" Draco asked a stand off demeanor about him as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him as if insulted that Harry existed next to me. Harry grabbed my other wrist, angered on how Malfoy treated you like an object. "I was helping her becuase someone didnt care enough to stay behind." Ohhh boy...

"You're one to talk Potter, couldnt expect any less, might as well been raised by wolves." He said gesturing towards me, probably refuting to how shaken up I was, it's not every day you become a tug o war rope afterall..

I could feel everyone's eyes on us and more people were goning to get involved, infact Hermione opened her mouth but luckily I cut her off, "Draco, I'm alright really, I just got lost on my way here, he didnt do anything." Draco looked at me for a bit his harsh gaze searching for lies, flaws in my words and posture and then glared at Harry to see if anything he found could fuel the situation further. With a huff he jerked me away from Potter, "Least keep your grimey mits off of her." Draco snapped as he pulled me over to his group. As his head was turned I mouth, 'I'm fine' and nodded, knowing I now had to make it up to Harry. In all honesty I felt bad for interrupting Hermione as well.

I casually let my hands fall to my sides after we returned to our group and Draco had let go. I subtly rubbed my wrist to sooth the discomfort. We were introduced to Buckbeak! A beautiful creature that locked eyes with me almost instantly, only to be distracted with rodent treats. Litteral rodents as a treat and guzzled them down happily. Harry's introduction to the Hippogriff went well- but once again Draco felt the need to out-do Potter. Oh my Merlin it is a rivalry.

Draco was rash and ended up getting slashed, to say the least it wasnt the beasts fault, most of us were aware of that. It not only shashed but broke through his arm with its powerful forelegs. We were quite shocked, some even disgusted when Draco said the beast killed him.

"Its okay, Hagrid I'll take him, calm the class." I assured, "You do know how to get there dont ya?" He asked panicked, "Were sending a student to go get her, waiting were will do us no good, we'll meet her half way." You reassured, sure he wasnt in a life or death situation and yes he would live. But he was in pain, yes it was his own fault.. but that doesnt mean it didnt hurt.. he's in shock you can see it in his eyes, his face pale and his eyes wont entirely focus. "Are you sure you can get him there?" I took Draco from Hagrid, my hand around his back and holding his side, his injured arm cradled between us.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, just another step, come on." I encouraged "in and out I'm here I wont let you fall." You constantly reassured and spoke with him until you met up with Madam Pomfrey. "Oh my goodness!" She said as she rushed over to us and helped me get him onto the gurney and shield him into the medical wing. "He's okay it's just the arm he's in shock." You reported the situation. Once you got him settled she rushed over to you, "Oh- no, no, I'm fine this is his." You assured her, "Are you sure?" She asked still tempted to take a look, "Yes, please just focus on him, I'm fine."

Pansy had come to fuss over him. In all honesty I was glad he had people to watch over him-- even if he didnt seem to enjoy her company, a look of 'help me' in his eyes. I simply gave him a shrug. Thankfully for him she had to leave on this field trip. Despite being signed up for it- I didnt go, Malfoy was recovering and I honestly wasnt big on trips.

"Why didnt you go to Hogsmeade with the rest of them?" He asked much to my surprise, causing me to smile. I lowered my head not wanting him to take it the wrong way and lightly played with my hair. "I can only imagine how dreadful it is to sit in the hopsital for hours alone. Besides. I'm not one for field trips. I've caused enough trouble for everyone I almost killed everyone in D.A.D.A. I dont need them to send a search party too." You said still feeling guilty about the incident.

"At least your better than Potter, he couldnt even finish the lesson." He huffed before turning to look at me, "What was your boggart anyway?" He added. "Death apparently." I started, "causing harm, death to those around me and being alone because everyone else is.. gone." You finished. Your answer seemed to have caught him off gaurd and an uncomfortable silence filled the room.

You stood straight up and looked around the room but before he could say anything you snatched a wizard's chest board from a nightstand, raising it up to him with a raised brow, a silent, 'wanna play?' He looked at you like you were missing a few screws, "I mean, at least it beats talking about family drama..." you paused, "or Harry, it beats that too." You said not wanting to listen him talk bad about someone you thought well of. Your comment made him smirk and shake his head as he got out the set.

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