Internet and Video Games

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You had totally forgotten to bring Xiao to your friend and remembered when you had gotten a text asking you where you were. That was yesterday. Now, you were sitting through your English class trying to learn about essays. You stifled a laugh as you watched two of your classmates argue in the call chat while your teacher had continued with the lesson, oblivious to the situation. (This was actually true. They didn't know each other and it was the first day of actual lessons. One thought the other had something against him and it was hilarious.)

That morning, you had woken up and Xiao was nowhere to be found. You remember thinking to yourself you were foolish to think everything was real. Had a real laugh at yourself in fact. All of that shattered when Xiao had walked back into your room with a serving of almond tofu. It was the cutest thing you had ever laid eyes on. As if he wasn't supposed to be eating the dessert, Xiao stared at you with wide eyes, his entire boy stiff when he caught your eyes. It was like a deer caught in headlights.

Thinking back to the morning, you had zoned out and almost missed the homework assignment you were getting. Xiao was sitting quietly, reading the second book of Harry Potter. He asked for it this morning. When he had told you he finished the entire book in a day, you were shocked. Not that you couldn't finish it in a day, but you only read the book at night to get yourself tired.

"Hey, Xiao, we'll be going to see my friends today." You thought you'd let him know about the visit. You really weren't supposed to go out, but you had told your mom you would be taking pictures for your photography class. All he did was nod in response, without taking his eyes off the pages.

Uncomfortable by the silence, you started to speak again. "You won't be nervous, would you?"

"Why would I?"

"Because you're an introvert."

"What's an introvert?"

"It's... someone who limits themselves in social interaction." There was a long pause before Xiao had answered you. The Adeptus placed down the book and put a bookmark on his page.

"I will not be nervous when I meet your companions." You gave him a small smile when his face contorted into a look of seriousness.

"Right, I thought I'd let you know. You can go back to reading." Waving him off, you turned back to the chart your teacher was trying to demonstrate. Xiao didn't go back to his book. Instead, the male walked behind you to peer at your work. He leaned over your shoulder. Heat rose to your cheeks as his face hovered just beside your own.

"X-Xiao?!" Your voice rose an octave and you no longer had the confidence to pay attention to what your teacher had to say.

"Interesting... what is this?" The Adeptus points to your laptop/computer and raises an eyebrow.

"I-it's a tool I use to access the internet." You tried to simplify it but realized Xiao might not know what the internet is. "Uhh, wifi is something used to access the interweb, internet, which is basically a really big book that knows everything." It was hard to explain what the internet was and why you used it.

"I see." The male stared a bit longer, seemly still confused. It was rare to see his face all confused. It was cute to say the least.

"Here, look." You clicked onto a new tab and saw Xiao's eyes widen a bit. Typing in "google maps", you opened the online map and pointed to the red marker. "This shows you where something is. See? This blue dot is where we are and this red marker shows up when I click on an area. It tells me where this area is."

The Adeptus looked so amazed by what you had done, it was as if you had performed real magic in front of him. No, not like a bunny from a hat, it was as if you made a rat look like a cup.

"Can it tell me where here is?" Xiao points to a few houses from yours.

"Sure." Your mouse moves to where he last pointed. Not a moment later, a red marker pops up and reads "707 Notmystreet ST." Even more amazed, it looked as if the male had stars in his eyes. "Did you want to try?" You gave him a small smile as he looked at you. Nodding eagerly, you confirmed your class was dismissed and got out of your seat. You guided him to your chair and sat him down. Taking Xiao's hand, you placed it on the mouse.

"Use this, it's called a mouse. You move your hand around and the little pointer here," Your finger found its way towards the small cursor. "Moves to where you want it to go. If you use this finger and click, it selects something from the screen." You could tell Xiao was very intensely listening to your instructions.

"This is a keyboard. Not many laptops have this, but mine has a number pad as well. Use this to write down what you would like to know. You can only write with the keyboard using this." Again, you pointed to your screen. This time, you pointed to the search bar and places you can use the search feature on google maps. "It's called a search bar. Whenever you see this logo, a magnifying glass, you can write something in it and find what you're looking for quickly." Nodding, Xiao's fingers graced over the ctrl and alt buttons.

"These have functions of their own, but I'll teach you about them later on. For now, stick to these and this. Enter button. Press it once you're done writing in the search bar." Using vocabulary Xiao would know, you had finally finished explaining the basics to using a laptop and google maps. "You have fun with this, I'll be downstairs, eating lunch."

. . .

You had just finished a fulfilling lunch when you had headed back upstairs to prepare for your next class, Math. Right when you walk into your room, you hear the sounds of a video game. Xiao was looking very intensely at the screen with your big headphones on.

"I got this." You heard him say. To say the least, you were confused, proud, happy, and felt awkward. Xiao seemed to notice you and pulled one of the headphones away from his ear. "I'm sorry. The weird picture asked if I wanted to play a game. I found it and started to play." His face was full of regret and it almost broke your heart.

"Nono, it's okay. What are you playing?" You peered at the screen and your mouth fell open. Xiao was sitting in your chair, playing League of Legends with your best friend and his friends. You had the game, but you had barely played since you were too busy grinding on Genshin.

"PENTAKILL!" You heard the MC in League just announce a pentakill as Xiao finished the other team. There was a series of 'nice' and 'damn' and 'holy crap, dude' from the call. You had almost lost track of time had you not set an alarm. It was time for math, but the look on Xiao's face was way too priceless to be taken away. So, you opted to attend class on your phone. While you listened to your teacher drone on and on about linear systems, you kept watching in amazement as Xiao cut down another enemy once again. He was really soloing bot lane as a supporting character.

By the time all your classes were over, Xiao had stopped playing league and was back to reading Harry Potter. Your friends kept texting you, asking who was playing. You were NOT about to explain to your friends how Xiao suddenly popped out of your computer and JUST learned how to use a laptop. At last, it was 4 o'clock, the time you had planned to meet your friends.

"Xiao, let's go. We're meeting my friends now." With a hum, the Adeptus placed down the book and headed out after you.

Ahhhh, how jealous would I be if someone played league and got a pentakill on their first try? I'll try to post a new chapter every day, but if I don't then it probably means I'm still thinking of what to write or I'm in the progress of writing something longer which is taking up most of my time. Short and sweet like always! Anyways, have a great morning/day/afternoon/evening/night! Remember to take care of yourselves! Stay hydrated and eat properly!!

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