Getting Sick

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You awoke this morning with a raspy voice and a runny nose. You thought it was just the regular morning and all this would go away by the afternoon. It didn't. Your parents noticed and fed you loads of medicine with hot soup and water.

"I'm fine, really. I'll just rest in my room. I'll watch a movie or something then probably fall asleep." You shrugged as you started to close your room door. Your mom shook her head as you disappeared behind the door. Finally, breathing out a sigh of relief, you found Xiao sitting on the edge of your bed. He had an uneasy look on his face while he stared at you.

"What?" You let out a small cough and it scared the crap out of Xiao. He immediately rushed to your side and hoisted you into his arms and carried you towards the bed. "X-Xiao?! Let go!" You kept squirming, but the male's tight grasp on you indicated he wasn't going to let go until you were in a blanket cocoon.

"You're sick, aren't you?" The Adeptus furrowed his brows as he tucked in the last of the loose ends towards you.

"What if I am? It'll be over in a few days." You did your best to shrug, but instead, you let out a sneeze and your head fell back into your pillow. "Can you get me my laptop?" Xiao had his eyes trained on you. He didn't move an inch when you asked him.

"Xiao, please. I just want to watch something to get my mind off of my sickness. I'll eventually fall asleep." You couldn't look him in the eyes. You knew you were sick because you went outside when the male clearly told you not to. Since that nightmare, you and Xiao had gotten closer. Even if the both of you hadn't officially confessed anything, you felt your love for him grow every day. At first, it was just the kind of love between a 2D character and yourself. Now, you've gotten to know the boy. You've grown to love him as a human being. Not some character from a game on your device.

After taking a good long look at you with his arms crossed, the male finally took your laptop from your desk and handed it to you. Placing it on your lap, you opened the device to see your locked screen. As you typed your password, Xiao got under the blankets with you.

"X-Xiao?? What are you doing? You're going to get sick too." Frantically, you tried to cover yourself, but it only egged Xiao to snuggle into you more. He hugged you by your waist and kept his head on your shoulder.

"I want to watch with you." The Adeptus pouted and stared at your laptop's screen. You were thankful your parents had gone out for a while. Picking a movie, you sat up with a pillow behind you and a Xiao clinging onto you. Knowing this was a lost cause, you sighed and let the boy stay there.

"This is a good one." You clicked on 'Spirited Away' on Netflix. As the two of you continued to watch, you sniffled less and felt a lot better. Throughout some parts, Xiao would point out the difference in the movie from his own culture. He would look at you weirdly whenever you smiled at the dragon boy in the movie.

. . .

You didn't know when you fell asleep, but you did. When your parents got home, your mom had opened your room door to check on you. Usually, you would have heard it when she was heading towards your room. Even asleep, you were always very alert. This time, you had slept so soundly, that when your mom came in, you hadn't realized until she tapped at you.

"(Y/N), are you feeling any better?" Groaning, you opened your eyes and panicked for a moment. Couldn't your mom see Xiao? You would have been totally busted. She could have killed you right then and there.

"Mom?! Y-yeah, I'm f-fine." You stammered, unsure of what to say if she found out. Your mom sat on the edge of your bed and held a hand to your forehead.

"Yeah, okay, no more fever. Have you coughed less or sneezed less?" As your mom continued her inspection, you saw Xiao sitting in the corner of your room. He hadn't spoken, only a book in his hand as he listened to the two of your converse.

"Yes, mom. As I said, I'm fine. I haven't coughed in a bit. Sleep really did do something." Giving your mom a small smile, you panicked as she got up and turned around. She headed straight in Xiao's direction and you were prepared to be yelled at when all the woman did was pluck your cup off of your shelves.

"Alright. Your dad and I brought home some dinner for you. It's downstairs if you feel peckish." With that, your mom started for your door.

"Wait! Did you get the almond tofu?"

"Yes, it's in the fridge." Smiling at you one last time, your mom exited your room, closing the door behind her. Breathing out the breath you didn't realize you were holding, Xiao placed down his book and walked towards you.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." You hissed at the male, but he only hugged you. It was surprising how clingy Xiao was these days.

"She won't be able to see me. No one can. No one but you and who I want to see me." The boy mumbled as he snuggled his head into your shoulder.

"B-but, you should still be more cautious." Blushing madly, you lightly smacked his arm. "What was in that drink you gave me anyway?" You were referring to the drink Xiao had made you during the movie. He said something about being able to cure your coughs and sneezes.

"Qingxin flowers."

"Like from Teyvat?" You were a bit shocked. Qingxin flowers were something you farmed every day in Genshin for the sake of ascending Xiao.

"Yes. Can I get almond tofu now?" You could see the small pink blush on Xiao's cheeks as he didn't look you in the eyes. Letting out a small giggle, you nodded and proceeded downstairs to raid your kitchen.


You heard a little cough during the night and found yourself taking care of a certain Adeptus at 2 am. Xiao had caught your cold from all the snuggling he did this morning. You laughed and kept telling him 'I told you so' as you took care of him.

It wasn't very hard to. All you did was feed him almond tofu and hot tea. Xiao told you he would teach you how to make the Qingxin flower tea in the morning when your parents had gone to work. You spent the night trying to pile lots of blankets on the Adeptus, keeping him snug and warm the entire night. When he finally fell asleep, you breathed out a sigh. By then, it was 4:30 am. Your parents were going to wake up for work soon and you wanted to catch some sleep. Taking your spot beside the sleeping male, you fell into a deep sleep.

Gosh, I really need to fix my sleeping schedule. Again, all your suggestions were very appreciated, I just have to be productive enough to keep up. Lots of homework this semester because two of my major courses are in this semester, so, please bear with me as I try to write AND do homework. I didn't want to post this yesterday because it was the 3rd day of the Lunar New year and I spent it trying to do homework. This is short and I included two ideas, but I might elaborate on the movie one! If you guys still have suggestions, please feel free to put them in the discussion/comments!! All your comments on every chapter are very much appreciated by me!! Anyways, remember to take care of yourselves! Good things will come your way, just be patient!! Have a great morning/day/afternoon/evening/night!!

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