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Today was it. Xiao was leaving back for Teyvat. You couldn't go with him and he couldn't stay. The male said he would leave a little later in the evening, so you had spent the day doing things he wouldn't be able to in Liyue. Played a few video games, watched a few shows and movies and played a bit more in the snow.

"I won't forget you." You hugged Xiao tightly as he began to take off the clothes you had given him before.

"Nor will I. I'll come back again, (Y/N). I just hope you'll be waiting." Letting out a small chuckle, Xiao kissed the top of your head. Taking out his Liyue attire, you stared at him sadly.

"What's this?" The boy caught the mask you were hiding behind your back.

"A-ah, well. I was thinking, since the mask you wear brings you great suffering, I made one for you. Y-you don't have to wear it. In fact, you don't have to bring it at all." Stealing the mask from your hands, it was similar to that of a kitsune mask from Japanese culture. "W-wait! Xiao! Give i-it back!" The mask was too high up for you to take it from the Adeptus, but he smiled gently at you.

"I love it. We can match." Materializing another mask in his hand, Xiao plunked it onto your head. "This mask should keep you safe. A reminder that I'll always be there for you."

"I will always be waiting. I love you, Alatus." After Xiao had gotten himself ready, he placed Alexei's beach necklace around his wrist and slipped a bracelet onto yours.

"I love you more, (Y/N)." You felt steady tears come down your face. It hurt knowing you wouldn't be seeing him for a while. Warm lips pressed against yours as you smiled, then, it was gone. Your room had gotten colder, signaling the Adeptus was truly gone.



Xiao had appeared back onto the balcony of Wangshu Inn. He clutched at the coral necklace and felt the pain in his chest. The boy wouldn't be seeing you anymore. Though, he knew you wouldn't want him to wallow in sadness, so he approached the traveller who stopped at Wangshu Inn.

"Xiao! I've been looking for you." The traveller had run up to the Adeptus with Paimon trailing close behind. Xiao had given the duo a small smile before the two had widened their eyes.

"Look, look! Xiao is smiling!" Paimon floated around exclaiming her new discovery.

"Hey, do you have time? I want to teach you something." Looking aghast, the traveller had nodded anyways and the trio had gone to fetch QiQi and their other friends from Liyue.

"So what is this about?" Paimon looked around at all the people gathered. When Xiao had stepped aside for all the participants to see, the Adeptus had asked QiQi to freeze a nearby lake and they created a colder temperature.

"It's called Ice Skating." The male smiled at everyone as they all began to create their DIY ice skates.


It's done. The series has finally come to an end. This was such an adventure! I loved reading the comments, getting new ideas from you guys, and so much more! The ending is basically set, but the rest is up to you. Does Xiao return? Do you somehow enter Teyvat? Who knows? You do! This end chapter is a lot shorter than what you're used to, but it was the best I could think of. Dragging this chapter out too long was the ideal situation so I decided to keep it nice and short! HUGE thanks to everyone who stuck around for my inconsistent chapter postings and everyone who showed your support! This story has finished, but there are others who await! I start to update my Various Genshin x Reader more, now that I'm finished with this project. Look forward to writing more stories!! Have an amazing morning/day/after/evening/night!

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