dusk heat

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the door clicked as it was locked in place. kakashi had had enough. he tore his clothes off of iruka. immediately, iruka gasped highfully.

"k-kakashi.. put your cockashi in me." iruka begged.

and so the ultimate limits of ass stretch began.

they fondled and played. kakashi poured beeth ramen broth on iruka and used it as lube. kakashi has a beeth brof kink, in case you couldn't tell ;P


the next morning

iruka was laying in COCKASHI s arms. both fast asleep, iruka suddenly woke up. he wanted to take a shower, he had dried beef broth all over him in all crevices.

he tiptord to the bathroom and washed up.

kakashi was awoken by the sound of the shower.

"yo, iruka. I have some errands to run today. I will be back at 5:15. I love you babey" kakashi said with a slight brush as he cracked open the bathroom door so that iruka could hear him.

he shut the door behind him as he wandered around the town. he had some business to take care of with an old friend, and he knew that the rendezvous point would be far from his house in order to gain momentum on cockashis hunger.

kakashi arrived at a shaded part of the back hills. surrounded by trees, he searches for the one with the "x" carved into it. that was the rendezvous point they had agreed on previousfully.

"hey, kakashi. nice to see you." yamato said brightfully, as he had plans to overyake COCKASHI daddies heart. he though that if he planned a cover to his antics, that it would be bulletlessly possible.

"yo. so what did you need? " kakashi asked, he knew that he would not get away unscathed.

"I just wanted to check up one you. please forgive me if this meeting was a bit extra, as I miss you greatly. yaknow, I was going to try to make a whole scenee so that you would come back to me by choice. but after seeing you preicis, delicate face, I cannot let you go. no matter what." yamato said with a sense of urgency.

immediately after those words sproutwd from his mouth like a fountain, he used his wood style to restrain cocmashi. there was no better way to do this, yamato thoguh.t.

"yo, hey, yamato, let me go. I have a husbando now. I don't have time for these silly ANTICS! " Kakashi said upset fully. he did not like being restrained in the bedroom, let alone at a time like this.

"I need you back. you are coming with me." yamato said. he felt bad that he had to resort to restraining COCKASHI, but there was no better was he thought while embareassed. his face was a flustered red.

"cHidori!" kakashi whipped it out faster than last night with iruka. his arms were restrained, but not his manhood. nothing was strong enough to restrain kakashis length. after all, that's why they call him COCKASHI.

"oh.. I didn't even think of that. oh, how I miss it. I miss this part of you so very much. please come back to me." yamato said with puppy eyes.

kakashi let the wood around him drop, but not the wood between his legs. he let it stay up, in order to fight away this man that had forsaken him in years past.

"yamato, you do have a perky set of pinchers. however, that is not enough to keep me. I loved you, but now I reserve my love for another." kakashi thought for a moment. "yo, why don't we just talk about this over a dinner, with my lover. maybe we can arrange something? yeah? " kakashi said with good intelligance.

"sounds good to me. see you at 5:15?” yamato asked nicefully.

" sounds good to me. " COCKASHI said with great depth. oops, he just realized the wood in between his soft athletic thighs was still out.  he put it away. he knew he would end up using it well later.

come back for more! UWU

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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