Chapter two

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Hermione didn't breath. Cold hand was still holding her wrist. The familiar voice said "What are you doing out this late Granger?".

Hermione looked at the person. It was Bellatrix standing next to her. "I could ask you same question Bellatrix." Hermione said. In the night of full moon Hermione could notice anger in her eyes"It's professor Lestrange!" Bella yelled as she noticed 'Mudblood' carved in her hand "still have this one huh?".

Hermione's hands starts shaking"The scar was deep.." Bellatrix laughed "It was supposed to learn you not to steal anything from me mudblood!".

Hermione whimpered "I-I didn't stole anything f-from you!". "Well, going out late and lying? Detention! Tommorow!" Bellatrix said and smiled as she saw Hermione's face. Hermione got detention. That's not something we see everyday.

~Later in the morning~

Hermione got up early. Surprisingly Harry was already awake. "Good morning!" he said "Why did you wake up this early?". She took a deep breath and said "I got detention..". Harry couldn't control himself but laughed. "Hermione? Got detention?" she smiled sadly "Yeah I did..I was out last night and..Bellatrix caught me.."

Harry stopped laughing and looked at her like he saw a ghost"So you'll be with her on detention..!". Hermione nodded. A lot of things was in her head. She didn't even notice Harry said a lot more things.

"Hermione? Mione are you listening?!" he asked. "Oh - yeah yeah of course I do..but I have to go now." She ran out of the room. She was actually excited.

She remembered how Bellatrix grabbed her and somehow she liked that.

She saw the door of Bellatrix's office and knocked on door.

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