Chapter eleven

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TW: killing, blood

Next few days went pretty normal. It was peaceful and calm. Snape got to know that Hermione found out his secret and decided not to go on classes next days. Instead of him, Dumbledore found a new professor, a long man with dark hair.

He was nothing like Snape. He was calm and he didn't give detentions. Students liked him, but they didn't forget about Snape.

Nobody actually heard a word from him. Hermione was glad about it. Her relationship with Bellatrix was way better without him.

But Bellatrix wasn't so calm. She was mad and needed revenge. "Stupid git." "I can't believe it!" she mumbled for herself.

Hermione always gave her best to help her, but it didn't work. Bellatrix wanted him dead.

Even tho nobody saw Snape past few days, Bellatrix was careful. She expected him everywhere. That made her paranoic. She didn't really sleep, but when she did, she had nightmares.

She finally decided what to do. She has to see Snape.

At middle of night, nightmare woke her up. She was trembling and her breath was heavy. Her heart beat faster than ever. Her nightmares had became worse. She really was scared.

After realizing she can't sleep anymore, she got up. It was about 2am, but she wasn't tired. She got up, took her wand and knife which she hid in her dress, and walked out. The fact she was still in her short night dress didn't bother her.

She actually enjoyed walking at Hogwarts hallways that late. It was quiet, dark and peaceful. She could see moon outside the windows. The only thing she didn't like is place where she's going. Snape's room.

Her body trembled again with her every step, her heart beat faster and faster, while she's getting more scared, and more mad. Only thing she wanted is revenge.

When she finally came to Snape's room, she stoped moving. She felt scared to do anything. But then, pictures of him poisoning her, kissing her, breaking Hermione, went trough her head and, without knocking she walked in.

Surprisingly, Snape was awake as well. He didn't seem to be tired anyway. He looked at her, evil smirk appearing on his face, what made Bella roll her eyes.

Snape got up and came closer to her. Even thought Bellatrix was kinda scared, she kept cold look on her face. She never let anyone know she was scared. Especially not him.

She held her wand tightly behind her back, waiting for the right moment to attack. "You came back Bellatrix. Just like I expected." Snape whispered to her, his smirk never leaving his face. "You mean, you HOPED?!" she almost yelled.

Snape slapped her "I don't like the way you talk to me!". Bellatrix fell on floor, dropping her wand. Before she could get it, she found it in Snape's hands. "You won't need this anymore." he said as he broke it.

Bella's eyes widened. Now she really looked scared. She couldn't call for help, everyone was sleeping. Then she remembered, she had her knife, hidden in her dress.

Snape turned around and Bella got chance, she took knife and when Snape turned to face her, she stabbed his shoulder.

He screamed in pain, his whole shoulder bleeding, and tears filling up his eyes. Bellatrix pinned him on wall and took knife out his bleeding skin. Snape tried to catch breath, but this time, Bellatrix stabbed his stomach and he fell on floor.

His whole body started bleeding. Bellatrix looked at him, bleeding, tears running down his face, he begging for pleasure. But she did nothing to help him.

"You could ruin my life, Severus. Now I took yours." she whispered to him. She watched him dying slowly, barely breathing with every word he say. Not long time after that, he died.

Heyyy, finally new chapter there. Sorry for late update I just really didn't know what to write in this chapter and shall I kill Snape. I hope you like it <3

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