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Another random shadamy video


After shadow went out eggmans room,he teleported inside of Amy's house again to see his friend celebrating

But the difference is Amy wasn't there she was still in her private room,probably crying

He looked at the center table to see all the gifts that his best friends gave to a monster like him

He signed sadly and walked into the kitchen.then he saw something that was covered

And out of curiosity he took the cover off just to reveal a chocolate cake with an icing with the word 'happy birthday shadow :) ~everyone'

He knew that the handwriting was from Amy.he missed her, he needed her, he can't believe he did that to her

He signed again and leaved to go at the cabin where he had always lived

He runned to his bed and lay down there.he just stared at the ceiling thinking about what happened earlier

He thought to make it up to her.his gonna give a surprise BUT he doesn't know on how to do it

He can't think of a plan because all he ever think of is Amy JUST amy in his mind

It is not just that the fights hurt its because of the memories that follows him


I walked out of my private room to see a very quiet room I already put a bandage on top of the scratch on my cheek

I noticed that the emeralds where gone.i couldn't believe what happened

Shadow never did that to me.why would he just leave taking the chaos emeralds leaving me crying here

'GET OUT I DON'T NEED YOU!!!' those words it haunt hurts in my chest

I hopped in my bed and stared at the ceiling.wonder what happened in Valentine's day?do I even had an admire?no!Will someone love me?no!Will 'he' feel the same way?no!

I thought questioning and answering it back with the same answer.

Today was really a hurtful day wonder what will happened in Valentine's?



It was a peaceful day in the Valentine's.where everyone spread their love to one another and bring happiness to each other



I was in the cabin wrapping a present for My dear 'crush'

After I wrapped it I went out to search for her

And there she is walking around playing on her phone"gaah I loosed again freaking game!!!" she yelled as she shaked her phone crazily

And sonic just smile at her attitudes.and those are the things why sonic really loved her

"hey karley"he said and she bring all her attentions to him and turned off her phone"oh hey sonic"she said

"wanna go for a walk?"I asked"sure" she said and I just smiled at her answer and then we started walking

"so do you have a valentines in this day?" I asked "well to be honest no,no I don't,why?" she asked

"I'll sing it to you"I said as I started singing

so many nights i watched you sleep

(watch you sleep)

tried to resist but it got so deep

(got so deep)

and when your next to me

you're still out of my reach

but i just long for you

my soul is dark

i cease the light

(cease the light)

but your the angel

that show me the light

(show me the light)

And then she blushed at that thought and he just smirked at her

and i tried to be strong

but i still long for you

i looked into your heart

and discovered myself

but i'll never be

a part of your world

i need you

can't reach you where wold's apart

if you need me

look into your heart

Now she blushed harder as they still walk and he just continued to stare at her eyes

you tame the beast

i bleed for you

(i bleed for you)

you showed me love

something i never knew

(never knew)

i'll take the blame

my life's ashame

but i just long for you

don't wait for me

(don't wait for me girl)

i'll never be

(a part of your world)

but im in your heart...forever

And then she smiled at him sweetly and signaled him to continue the song

i looked into your heart

and discovered myself

but i'll never be

a part of your world

i need you

can't reach you where wold's apart

if you need me

look into your heart

i looked into your heart

and discovered myself

but i'll never be

a part of your world

i need you

can't reach you where wold's apart

if you need me

look into your heart

"and that means I love you"I said and she just smiled at me "I love you too"she said as she linked her arms to mine

"here your gift"I said as I handed the box to her.She tooked it and opened it

Then her reaction made me smile she was squealing happily and hugged me

"I love it"she said because I gave her a beautiful bracelet with small hearts writing the word 'karley'in each heart which was the letters were coloured red and the background blue

"lets continue to walk"She said as I nodded then we continued to walk....



The song is "your heart"by Damien dawn

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