operation:Free Shadow and Amy

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The two had a long silence into the darkness in the room



The whole gang already planned the whole thing and they are going back to save Shadow and Amy.

but first they all wear clothes like a soldier does and they brought pocket knives and gun in the belt around their waist.

some of them putted black ink under their eyes ready to battle the whole robots.

tails had a bunch of watches that gives a hologram of their faces and he gave it to each and everyone of them.

They runned through the forest and they were now infront of eggman's gigantic space ship laying in the ground.

"Are you ready guys?"Karley asked as she faced to her team "yeah!"they all answered as Karley smirked and face the spaceship.

"let's go"she said as she runned and so did the others. They all went inside the ship in seperated ways.

they have teams too. Karley is with maka and sonic, Soul is with tails and cream, and Silver has Blaze, knuckles and Rouge

They went seperate direction to go inside the spaceship.

WITH SILVER'S TEAM (silver's pov)

me and my team started to walked through this very long hallway with was pretty clean and neat

"this hallway is so...clean"Blaze said "you could say that again"knuckles said as he looked around

"come on let's find Amy and Shadow they might be anywhere"i said as i searched the whole hallway finding some clues

"aren't those...cameras"rouge said as she pointed to a camera that was staring at us as all of us stared at it.

then a huge speaker came from the middle of the hallway as it started to speak

"hello sonic and the gang i knew you'd come back and your in luck i brought more robots to battle you"it echoed to the whole ship

"where's Shadow and Amy?!"we asked as i heard the others in the other part of the ship said the same thing.

i think they also had heard the speaker "HOHOHOHO you go find them"he said as the speaker disappeared in the ceiling.

Then thousaths of robots started to come out of the end of the hallway some were flying and some were running

"let's fight"i said as the four of us started to run towards it to fight and find Amy or Shadow somewhere

Me and rouge started to fly while Blaze and knuckles go on foot.

i punched flying robots as rouge upper kick them as she also helped Blaze and knuckles down.

i then hold Blaze's left hand and lift her up then she started to shoot the flying robots with her fireballs.

"nice job"i said as i let her go and she backed flip to the ground and started to catch up with us

knuckles who was punching all of them with his knuckles and sometimes stomping on them.

i then saw more robots coming on my way as i used my telekinesis in them and started to hit two robots head at each other.

we avoid each of their attacks but sometimes we can get hitted in some of our body parts and then i have a little bruised in me face

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