birthday gone wrong

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so i'm the princess of the rose kingdom?


  The next day had arrived it was February 10 today.I went downstairs to see karley watching TV

"hey Ames"karley said "hi Karley"I respond.I walked to the kitchen to make myself for breakfast

"Karley would you like some waffles?"I asked "yup"she answered I nodded to myself and started to make some

After the cooking thing I placed the two plate waffles on the table.Karley walked in and quickly seated down to eat and I did the same

"So did you get the birthday boy a present?"she asked "uhhh who exactly?"I asked "shadow"she answered

Woah it's shadow's birthday well that's good news.

"oh I don't have a present for him yet"I said "well then you better start looking for a gift"she said I nodded in respond

After the whole talk with Karley I went upstairs to my room.I walked to my closet and go thru some boxes

"yes I found you"I said to the box that I held in my hand.this was a thing that I had been keeping for a long time and I'm gonna give it to shadow

I wrapped the box with a good wrapper and a red ribbon to hold it tight that it won't fall and be broken

I hold it and looked at it for awhile.I really hope that he will like this I just really hope

Then an idea popped in my head.I know let's throw shadow a birthday party here at my least he can enjoy his birthday

I went downstairs to now see Karley,maka,sonic and soul sitting in a long couch while watching TV

"hey guys wanna throw shadow a birthday party?" amy asked "yeah"everyone cheered

"ok guys,soul you call our other friends except shadow,sonic distract shadow and make him come here in 3:20pm,maka and karley make the decoration and I'm up with the cake"I explained

They all nodded in agreement.the five of us rushed from the things we needed to do

I zoomed to the kitchen to make a cake.I added the ingredients that needs to make a chocolate cake.I made chocolate because its like his fur and....uh.......because his also sweet like a chocolate cake

After I was done I put the last thing, the icing.I made the icing at the side of the top of the cake.I put it in the table and covered it so shadow won't see it

When I went back to the living room everything was set. The decorations and our friends.

Waiting for your call I'm sick,call I'm angry,call I'm desperate for your vo-

My phone ranged I looked at the screen to see Sonics picture with the name "sonic"in it.he was calling me I pressed the green button and put the phone in between my ear and mouth

"hey Ames"

"oh hi sonic how's it going there?"

"its cool,me and shadow are now walking to your house which would probably take 5minutes"

"oh ok we'll be ready"

"ok Ames good luck bye"

"you too bye"

I hang up,I told the others to be really ready before shadow and sonic could came in

We off the lights which made the room in complete darkness we hide in our hidding place and ready to surprise shadow

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