Chapter 16

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                                                                               Claire's POV

Claire woke up to find that her and Malachi were in a meadow. 

How did we get here?

At least, we are not in the desert anymore. 

She looked to see that Malachi was still sleeping. 

Claire snuggled up to him and put her head on his chest. 

She liked being close to him. 

Malachi made her feel safe.

Soon, he opened his eyes and smiled at her.
"Good morning, beautiful.  Where are we?"
Claire grinned.
"I think that we are in a meadow."
Malachi frowned.
"But why?"
She laughed.
"I have no idea."
He kissed her and everything else disappeared.
All Claire could think of was Malachi's lips on hers.
Before she knew it, there was the sound of lightning piercing the air around them.
What was going on?
They were still kissing, though and feeling each other's naked bodies.
All of a sudden, Claire felt herself being pushed away from Malachi.
She was on the other side of the meadow, now.
Claire looked up and found God staring at her disappointedly.
"I told you to stay away from him. I banished you from Heaven and sent you to Earth, so that you wouldn't be around him, Claire. Demons are horrible creatures."
She could hear Malachi growling at that comment.
Claire looked behind her and saw that  he was pulled away from coming closer to her by Lucifer.
Neither Heaven nor Hell want us to be together.
Malachi and I are like Romeo and Juliet.
She smiled at him and gazed back at God.
"That's not true. Malachi is the sweetest man that I have ever met."
God's mouth hung open in shock.
"Oh, Claire. I can tell that you still have that same naive mindset. He is just taking advantage of the fact that you are innocent and you fell for his charm."
She shook her head in disbelief, as Malachi tried to break free from Lucifer's grip on his arms.
" You are wrong, God. He is not taking advantage of me. I am not innocent anymore and we both wanted to have sex."
God shook his head, now.
"See, that's what I don't get. Why would you want to have sex with a demon? Especially, since you are an angel. "
Claire frowned.
"I'm not an angel anymore, God. Remember, you took my wings. All I have left are these black wings. I guess that I have these because you wanted me to feel guilty about having sex with Malachi. But the thing is, I don't regret it. Fucking Malachi was the greatest thing that I have ever done. I love him."
God scowled at her use of language, but Claire didn't care.
Just then, her whole body started to glow.
Malachi's body glowed too and they joined together.

God and Lucifer looked on in horror.
"It's worse than we thought, Lucifer. They are bonded. I don't know what we can do now."
"There is nothing that we can do, Father. Their connection is stronger than we both thought. Soon, they are going to have a love child that is going to be half angel and half demon. Imagine what humans will say about that?"
God shivered with disgust.
"There is a reason why demons and angels shouldn't be together. Angels represent the good of humanity and demons represent the evil. I can't believe that Claire could be this irresponsible. She was supposed to be my best angel."
Lucifer shook his head.
"How do I think I feel, Father? Malachi was my best demon. He hasn't made any one miserable since him and your angel had sex."
God was confused by this.
"Why is that?"
Lucifer shrugged.
"He told me that he's in love with her and then, after that he started glowing."
That wasn't possible.
That hasn't happened in centuries.
"Claire told me that she loved the demon before she glowed, too."
Lucifer laughed.
What was so funny?
"Is something funny, Lucifer?"
"Oh, Father. I didn't think that we would have another Celeste and Mark situation, but we do. It's been four hundred years since those two broke the rules and left Heaven and Hell."
God shook his head, but he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He looked around the meadow.
Claire and the demon were gone.
God looked up and saw a big, golden line in the sky.
Was that them?
How was this happening?
Claire and this demon were total opposites.
He thought that they would despise each other, not have sex with each other every chance they got.
A few minutes passed and then, the golden line was gone.
In it's place, Claire and the demon were on a cloud having sex.
God wanted to throw up.
This was an atrocity.
What had happened to his perfect angel?
She wasn't like this.
He had to figure out a different way to break them apart.
God looked away and saw Lucifer smirking at him.
"Honestly, Father. I did not see this coming from your angel. She is definitely more rebellious than you give her credit for."
God didn't want to hear any more of this.
He went back to Heaven, trying to come up with ways to keep Claire away from that demon.

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