Ch.1 : Ghidorah's Defeat

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A building falls and Adam hides behind a car, he looks up at the 2 battling Titans. Godzilla was fighting King Ghidorah, he returned several years after his reign of terror, awakening all the titans and wreaking havoc. This time, Alan Jonah supercharged Ghidorah to unbelievable levels, making him stronger than before. Before, Godzilla had help with the humans by supercharging him with a nuclear bomb. Looks like it was Ghidorah's turn to get a power up... it looked like Godzilla could not even lay a claw on Ghidorah without getting his ass handed to him.

It was until the newly discovered Astro Hydra Moonhidora flew from the clouds like an Angel coming down from heaven to go to war, she flew down and attacked Ghidorah. Now Godzilla's odds of defeating the golden tyrant are starting to change in his level. Adam continued running down the street towards the docks, to get as far away from the brawling colosiasis as he could. It was a battle of the millenia, monsters fighting not just for dominance but for the sake of the planet's ecosystem.

Adam made it to the docks and looked back to see Godzilla, Moonhidora and Mothra actually overwhelming Ghidorah! But they slowly drew closer to the Docks, it was now or never to find a boat and just nope out of there. He soon found a yacht, he jumped on board and went inside to the control panel. He put the boat on Auto pilot and it began to sail off. He soon untangled the rope on an anchor on the dock and used a harpoon to push the boat away from the dock as it was going too slow.

He then collapses onto the yacht's deck and watches as Godzilla gets slammed into the ground near the dock, causing his yacht to bounce up and down as the water underneath waves around but it helps him get away from the dock faster. Soon, he notices something looking at him in his peripheral vision, Moonhidora locks eyes with him... right on to him. Only for a brief moment though until Ghidorah grabs her. It must have been the yachts lights or so he thought.

It isn't until a blinding flash of light shines, covering Adam's vision and indicating clearly that Ghidorah was defeated. As the storm surrounding them fades, the full moon shines down onto the city. Adam sighs in relief, but he leans onto a wall on the ship and sighs in exhaustion. It's over... Ghidorah is defeated, the world is safe once again. Until something else comes to disturb the peace on earth.

However, his quiet celebration was interrupted when a shadow cast over him. He looks up and Moonhidorah is there, looking down at the weakened soldier, his glasses are dusted and cracked but he can still see the 3 headed pale beast looking down at him. She gave a soft growl as the 2 lock eye contact.

Adam glares at Moonhidora, he then reaches for his pocket and pulls out his handgun. It is a Walter P99 pistol that shoots 9mm rounds. Like that puny ass gun is gonna do Jack to this 400 foot tall behemoth? He didn't care, Let her smash him into paste, he'd be damned to give this giant the slightest satisfaction of him being a weak being.

It was until Godzilla rose up to face Moonhidora, she turned to him and bowed down to Godzilla, letting her know Godzilla is still his king. He then walked into the water next to Adam's boat, rocking it about and a massive wave sent it flying. Thankfully he did not crash, but Moonhidora put one wing in the way of the yacht as it was heading for some rocks.

He looked at Moonhidora confused as to why this titan would waste its time saving such a lowly mortal like him? Still, he crawls on his back into the boat onto his back still pointing his handgun at the Titan. It is until the Jets begin to attack Moonhidora, what were those jets doing? Possibly attempting to drive her out of the city.

She blocks the Jet missiles with her wings, protecting both her heads and... Adam? Why the fucking hell is this moon noodle the slightest mind to him? Soon, Godzilla calls to her to leave the city since its clear the humans don't want her there and Godzilla is clearly not in the mood for human drama.

She gives one last look to the human, looking kinda upset and then takes into the air. Adam looks up at Moonhidora flying off. While helicopters fly overhead to pick him up and send him to a hospital where he will be treated...

Still, the amount of care from Moonhidora felt weird, as the people he told it to thought he was crazy. Adam had no choice but to let it go....

To be Continued...

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