Moonhidora Profile

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Titanus Moonhidora

Titanus Ghidorah Specimen 2

Fallen Moon

3 Stars who fell from the Moon

Lunar Hydra

Size :

Height : 148 meters (488 feet)

Length : 219 meters (721 feet)

Wingspan : 286 meters (939 feet)

Weight : 133,000 tonnes

Appearance :

Moonhidora is of the same genus as King Ghidorah, and just like him : she also has the same 3 heads. Each head is very similar in appearance to Ghidorah, only her scales are silver colored with grey patches on there horns. Each head has a set of 2 horns with the middle having antlers like that of a buck (male deer). Each of there eyes are black and have white pupils.

Moonhidora also has black claws on her feet and and wings, and unlike King Ghidorah, her wings have small 3 fingered hands that have short fingers, more used for gripping onto steep surfaces or to grab certain objects, possibly indicating her kind has evolved for more ground level assaults rather than Ghidorah's species. She also has 3 tails that do not end in spiked clubs like King Ghidorah but are longer than Ghidorah's, it seems her tails are well suited for strangulation on her opponents.

Just like King Ghidorah, each head as there own personality and are named

Callist is the middle head and the most dominant, her dominance is displayed by her 2 massive antlers that measure about 70 feet long. She also has 2 horns on both her snout and head just above her browls. Callist seems to be the most calm and intelligent one of the 3 heads. She is pretty much the Ichi of Moonhidora

Io is the right head of Moonhidora, she does not have the antlers of Callist but the 2 horns on her snout and head except one of the horns was broken off. Contrary to popular belief, she is more o so the san of Moonhidora. Io has a similar personality to San, only she seems to be as smart as Ni.

Eura is the left head and the most irridable of the 3, she is like Ni but has the intelligence level of San. Her aggression is evident by all the scars on her face and neck. Unlike Io, her horns are intact.

Bio :

Titanus Moonhidora is a very new specimen, she arrived to earth shortly after the battle between Godzilla and Kong. It is agreed upon by Monarch Staff that she is the mate of King Ghidorah, however when Alan Jonah's terrorist group build Mecha Ghidorah to rid humanity off the planet, Moonhidora met up with the 3 headed mechanized giant... and was attacked. However this could of been due to Alan Jonah's men controlling King Ghidorah.

However when he was brought back for real, he also attacked Moonhidora and was able to butally wound her. She soon regained her strength and joined Godzilla and Mothra to battle King Ghidorah.

However just recently, she began to show some sort of fondness for a human named Adam Edward Stevenson, an American Army man who works for Monarch. Showing affection and even protection for him.

Behavior :

Moonhidora's behavior has been selected as a protector. Since each head has there own personality, they too behave differently.

Callist is the leader head of the 3, and her dominance is unquestionable. She controls the body and decides everything, despite this fact, she is very calm and docile like a Gorilla or Orca Whale.

Io is normally calm and docile like Callist, but can be extremely aggressive and violent if provoked

Eura is very curious and playful, yet easily the most aggressive, provoked or otherwise. Yet her aggression seems to be more of a dominance display towards other creatures as she tends not to go for the kill.

Regardless of these facts, each head has a fondness for Adam and are incredibly docile and friendly towards him.

Strengths/Powers :

Although she can fire Gravity Beams like King Ghidorah, her beams are not conducted through her scales. Instead they conduct inside her via some unknown process, because of this, she does not create a tear in the stratosphere whenever she takes flight. However she can still produce hurricane force winds at speeds of 120-201 kph (75-120 mph). However she has smaller wings compared to her body, therefor deceasing her flight speed to 530 knots (609 mph)

Despite her being able to shoot Gravity Beams, each head can also fire there own elemental breath. Io can breathe out fire (like a literal dragon), Callist breathes out a highly powerful electric beam that can obliterate anything it strikes. Eura can breathe out a highly fast and cold gust of icy mist and spikes, the speed at witch this cold carrying wind travels is a mind numbing 840 mphs witch is more then fast enough to break the sound barrier and the temperature of this cold wind is a bone shattering -178 degrees celsius or 209 degrees fahrenheit. This is so cold that water is as hard as stone ounce it is exposed to this kind of temperature.

All these abilities in addition to her size makes her one of the most powerful Titans on the planet.

Just For the Record : Moonhidora belongs to ClevzX from Deviantart :

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