Ch.3 : Titan Love

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Adam's eyes stirred, the image of the helicopter coming down to him fading as he wakes up after being kidnapped by the silver and gold titan Moonhidora. Adam moaned softly as he woke up and his eyes adjusted to the environment around him.

He rolls on his side and the left side of his face lands on a surface that feels soft, bumpy and dry. Almost like scales... he looked down at the ground and saw he was laying on a surface of silver colored scales that could only belong to one being. His breath began to tremble and he looked upwards, and he was looking at the 3 headed moon noodle who took him. She seemed to be looking around the environment and has not noticed he awoke yet.

Adam looked around to see where he was, it would seem he was on her left thigh. Like she let him rest like as if he was her pet. She then looked down at Adam... and saw he was awake. She leaned her heads down to him, all 3 heads looking at him with large dilated pupils. He reached for his pocked to grab his secondary gun... but it was not there! "Aw Shit.." he whispered underneath his breath.

Moonhidora then drew her hand closer to him and gently grabbed him and lifted him off her leg. She then carried him up to somewhat eye level, she still looks down at Adam. Adam struggles in Moonhidora's grasp but it was no use. Although his vision was blurred out so much that he could barely see, he knew she was looking at him.

Moon Moonhidora's middle head (Callist) slowly comes closer to Adam, he tries to struggle out of her grasp again, thinking she is gonna kill him now. Her grasp on him was firm but clearly inescapable for a human. He looked up at her who was coming closer and closer, he was beginning to feel her breath on him, the wind from her breath felt like a windstorm.

Adam closed his eyes and clenched his fists, bracing for death. He waited... waited... waited... nothing happened. He opened his eyes and Callist was maybe a few inches from his face, she appeared to be examining her as she sniffed. Soon, Callist came over and licked Adam across his left cheek, Adam groaned in disgust as he heard her tongue go up his ear.

She continued to lick him gently like a dog giving their owner kisses. Adam covered some of them with his arms, what was she doing? Taste testing maybe? Callist soon backed away, Adam's head was covered in saliva, then... the Right head Io came over. More licking he guessed, except Io just gently nudged him, as if she was trying to get him to pet her like a needy dog.

Adam knew better than to refuse, so he placed his gloved hand on Io's snout and he petted her. Io made a sound that sounded like purring, kinda like a cat. It made Adam chuckle a little bit. He continued to pet Io until she backed off. Then... seemingly out of nowhere, Eura came up to Adam and was seemingly all up in his face, attempting to cuddle with him. Adam places both his hands on Eura's snout but keeps his head far away.

Soon, Eura backs away and Moonhidora settles him onto the ground. Adam tries to walk but he trips on a rock and falls on his side. All 3 heads look down at him confused, "I dont have my glasses, I can't see!" said Adam, Callist cocked her head to the side, "What am I doing talking to a titan?" thought Adam. "No Glasses, No see!" said Adam, pointing to his eyes.

Moonhidora then softly growled and flew upwards into the clouds! Where on earth is she going?

Adam manages to find a tree log and sits down on it, he can't exactly tell where he is but it would seem he's in a jungle like environment. A few hours later, she returns. Adam looks up at her and to his surprise, she lays her hand in front of him to reveal tons and tons of glasses!

How did she even understand what he said? He must be having some sort of dream or something, no way a Titan would go out of there way to actually care for him to this degree. He walks over to the pile of glasses and tries them one at a time, finding the right one.

He soon found a pair that was much like his original glasses, and he could see perfectly now. Callist then came down to him and pushed into Adam, making him fall onto her snout and she carried him back up.

Moonhidora stands 502 feet tall, about 19 feet shorter than King Ghidorah. From up here, he could get a good view of the land around him. It would seem like he's in a semi-tropical environment that somehow seemed familiar to him, as if he's been here or at least seen it before.

This still does not change his predicament, He is with the 3 headed silver Moonhidora and is stuck with her out in the middle of nowhere, although she shows no intention of hurting him... he still does not feel completely comfortable with her, let alone being in a jungle all alone.

Far far away... the USS Argo was flying about.

"Titanus Ghidorah Specimen, codenamed Moonhidora kidnapped Adam Edward Stevenson, her whereabouts are unknown. From the calls we picked up on our bioacoustics, she was giving off some sort of Love Call for Adam, leaving us to believe Moonhidora is attempting to form some sort of bond with Adam. There are no historic records on Titans forming bonds with humans, the closest one to being able to form bonds with humans is Titanus Kong, witch is a completely different species compared to Titanus Ghidorah" said Dr Chen

"You kidding me? Adam has the charms of one of these beast's? He can't even win the lottery and he gets a titan bitch? Lucky him" said Richards

"This is seriously like something out of a fairy tale, a dragon kidnaps a person because they're in love" said Stanton.

"Yeah that's real poetic, now what?" said Foster

Soon, the man himself. Mark Russel soon stepped into the room. "I never thought In a million years I'd be back here" said Mark

"Mark! Long time no see!" said Chen, "Yeah... real good seeing ya" said Stanton.

"The feeling's neutral. Now you all called me because you made some crazy big discovery with Titan behavior?" said Mark

"Yeah, well, its gonna sound weird but... a titan fell in love with a human" said Chen

"Fell in... what?" said Mark

"Specifically Titanus Ghidorah Specimen 2, i'm sure you know who that is?" said Sam

"Moonhidora? You mean King Ghidorah's mate? Well Ex mate" said Mark

"I've been there Ghidorah" whispered Mark under his breath

"Yes, King Ghidorah's ex. She presumably grew some sort of romantic bond on Adam Stevenson" said Chen

"Do you mean she has a crush?" said Mark

"In English : Yes" said Chen

"And did you say Adam? He's the brown haired glasses guy, right?" said Mark

"Yeah! That's him, apparently he's got the charms of Sarah, Chloe and Sophie" said Stanton

"This is incredible... if only Serizawa were here, he would be blown away by this news" said Mark

"Coexistence is one thing... but bonds between Titan and Man is another" said Chen.

As they talked, Stanton got a notification from Outpost 33. He looked and it was showing the coordinates and pictures of Moonhidora's location.

"Oh dear..." said Stanton

"Oh dear? Whats Oh dear?!" said Mark

"We found Moonhidora's location... and your not gonna like where it is" said Stanton

"Where?" said Foster

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