Legend? Go! Friends? Go! (Part 2)

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(Lol I thought this was funny. Any Slytherins here? Cause I'm Slytherin. ANYWAY on to the story.)

3rd person POV:
"Ash?" Professer oak said. "Wha?" Ash questioned groggily. Ash turned toward Professer Oak. "If you don't get a move on, you'll miss the opening ceremony." Professer oak informed. Ash shook the soot(?) off him and stood up. "Right!" Ash Exclaimed. "Pika!" Pikachu Exclaimed, agreeing. They soon walked inside. When they got there, people, who were VERY tall blocked them from seeing the starting of the presentation. Kim kept jumping, trying to see, but then got an idea. She grabbed pikachu and put him on her head, while holding pumpkaboo and sat on ash's shoulders.
(Lol it's wierd don't judge. It's kinda like this:)

Soon, the presentation started

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Soon, the presentation started. Professer Cerise and Alyx walked up to the front. "Thank you for coming. I am Professer Cerise, co-owner of the Cerise and Alyx Research laboratory" Professer Cerise introduced. "And my name is Alyx, also co-owner of this Lab" Professer Alyx introduced. "We especially Thank who travelled a frat distance to be here today. Thank you." Professer Cerise thanked. "Now, let's move on to the subject of Pokémon." Professer Alyx Said. He snapped his finger and a screen appeared. "As you all already aware, our plant play host to this mysterious life form. In forests, in the sky, and under the seas." Professer Cerise explained. "No matter where you go in this world, you will undoubtedly find them. And so, as Pokémon and humans live together in our world, they bond with each other in many ways." Professer Alyx explained. " we at C&A laboratory are dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of Pokémon in every region. Investigating, analyzing, digging deep, and expanding our knowledge" Professer Cerise says. "Because to know Pokémon, is to know the world, and that is that is the very key to making the world better for each and every one of us." Professer Alyx finished.


Upstairs, Cloe sat on a couch, skimming through goh's homework she brought for him.she sighed. Yamper was right beside her, sleeping peacefully with his tongue out. Cloe smiles at the sleeping yamper and get up, walking to a window? Immediately after she got up, yamper woke up and followed Cloe. "Cmon Goh.." Cloe mumbled. " you told me you'd be stopping by today, and that's the reason I brought your homework with me." Cloe Said. Suddenly, her phone chimed. "Huh?" She questioned. She took out her phone and looked at the recent message. She grumbled. " 'I'm going to be late because I'm about to have a fateful encounter' ?!" She recited the message. *sigh* "Wow. The only time he gets in touch with me is for nonsense like this." Cloe Exclaimed, angrily.

*Near the vermillion port with Goh..*
On top of some sort of building stood Goh with his book laying beside him and his phone with weather calculations. "Just as I predicted! These are the exact cloud formations needed for its arrival!" Goh exclaimed. "This'll be a breeze." Goh Said.

*back at C & A lab(Cerise and Alyx laboratory)*
The people were applauding. But then, the screen shows a red exclamation mark. "Hm? Let's see.." Professer Cerise mumbled. "What is it?" Asked Alyx. Professer Cerise made a digital looking screen and keyboard appear and started typing. " the atmospheric circulation, temperature, humidity, altitude..." Professer Cerise mumbled. ""This May no be the most accurate forecast,but in about 20 minutes, an extremely rare Pokémon might just appear over Vermillion port." Professer Cerise Said. "A rare Pokémon?!" Ash and Kim both exclaimed. "Yup, you were made for each other." Claire states. Kim flushed in a pink hue. "Sh-shut up!" Kim Exclaimed, embarrassed. "So, what do think?" Professer Cerise Asked Alyx. "Well, it certainly seems likely...." Alyx replied. "Ooh! Professer?" Ash asked. "Ill go check it ou 'Kay?" Ash Said. He then to the port, with Claire and Kim. "Woah!" Kim then held onto ash for dear life, As she was still on ash's shoulders.

To be continued...

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