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"Rora!" I groan loudly as Vic's loud, obnoxious voice pulls me out of my comforting dreams, "wake up"


"Mom and dad are gone for the weekend and Mariana is staying at a friends house... you know what that means?"

"I hope it means more sleep cause I could do with some" I yawn while simultaneously rubbing the crusties from the corners of my eyes. "Seriously can you get out so I can take my ass back to sleep?"

"Bitch we're hosting a party! Get up so we can start planning!"

This bitch is acting like she's just won the fucking lottery. I honestly can't say I'm sharing the same enthusiasm... I just want to sleep for a little longer.

"Great, that's awesome! I'll be with you in a few" I mutter, turning over in my bed so that my back is facing her. "Goodnight"

Just as I thought I was going to get my own way and be left alone for a little while longer, the blankets are ripped from my body and the cold air from the basement envelops me and I shiver instinctively.

"Get up" Vic growls persistently and i roll my eyes before sitting up and facing her. "Thank you. Now, I've made a list for you" she shoves a small price of paper into my hands, "I want you to get dressed and drive to the store to pick up these things!"

"Uh.. no" I hand the paper back to her, "do it yourself"

"Please? I have to go and get the goods so that people will actually have a good time! I don't have enough time to go shopping for a bunch of snacks"

"Girl, it's like 9am, you have all day" I yawn and she shakes her head,

"No, it's actually 3pm" she huffs, dropping the paper onto my lap and turning to leave the basement, "get going"

The shopping list that Vic come up with is long and full of boring stuff like plain chips and fruit for the punch so I make a mental note to add some of my own additions in the form of actually tasty food so that there are more options for the party that people will actually enjoy. The only interesting item I can see on there is packets of Oreos, which Vic makes very, very clear that have to I buy because Mattia wants them so I've already decided to 'accidentally' forget to buy them because I haven't forgotten that he called me a 'crazy bitch' a few days ago. 

I leave the house around five minutes later and follow the directions that Victoria gave me to the local supermarket. It's nice to get out of the house and get to know my way around the area where I'm living. I find that the high street shops aren't too far away, which is good to know.  By the time I've found all the items on the list (plus my own pickings and minus the Oreos), paid for them and walked back to the car, it's nearly time to start preparing the stuff. The party starts at eight and it's almost six now, so by the time I start preparing and cook a few things for the party goers, it'll be well past eight. During my shopping trip, I'd made sure to buy the ingredients to make lasagne and cupcakes. I'm really good at making them and I thought maybe it would make me feel like a true member of the household if I cooked something in it.

Also, I figured Mattia might warm to me a little more if I cooked some decent food for tonight. 

Not because I particularly want him to like me, but just so we might be able to act a little more civilised, for Vic's sake. Actually, I think we've been more civilised in the past few days that we ever have been, so that's progress. 

As I reach the front door of the house, I hear a familiar voice call my name. I turn to see Kairi making his way over to me with a bright smile on his face. 

LET ME,                                             mattia polibio (1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now