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11:11am, february 14 2021

mattia 🐀
happy valentines day cunt
mattia 🐀
ugh wake up i miss you bruh

aurora 🦦
no i'm sleeping

mattia 🐀
well i just needed to say hvd
mattia 🐀
and i did so, i'll see you at school :)

aurora 🦦

mattia 🐀

aurora 🦦
i thought we were hanging out today

mattia 🐀
nah i'm not really feeling it

aurora 🦦
oh... okay

mattia 🐀
i hope you're okay with that

aurora 🦦

mattia 🐀
i'll see u tomorrow tho

aurora 🦦

Of course I wasn't okay with that. Who the fuck does he think he is? Agreeing to make plans and then cancelling them at the last second, literally. Gosh, I'm so fucking angry right now.

Because I wouldn't be doing anything today, I didn't even bother getting changed. I stayed in my bed, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie until around 7:31pm. Earlier I'd asked all of my friends if they wanted to hang out, but they'd all either had plans or just didn't feel like it, even Vic and Taylor which I was absolutely furious about because none of them had any plans.

I sat up when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Seconds later, my father walked in. He'd been in work since early that morning and was only now getting off, since he couldn't get out of the day shift.

I stood up and hugged him, "Happy Valentine's Day, love. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, but every single one of my friends ditched me, including Mattia" I was clearly upset but my father rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Well, I think I have something that'll cheer you up."

"What is it?"

He handed me a red envelope before walking towards the door and leaving without another word. I grew confused but tore open the envelope, grabbing the small letter that was sitting inside. I unfolded it and saw dots and lines on the page, Cryptography, otherwise known as Morse Code.

I roll my eyes and take the note over to my desk and sit down as I start decoding the neat scribbles that are on the page.

•• •—•• — — — •••— •

—•— — — — — ••—

I was actually very familiar with this sort of stuff, so it didn't take me long to figure out that the dots and lines that were on the page actually read 'I love you'. My father had no idea about Morse Code so it was obviously either some stranger or Mattia, probably the latter.

LET ME,                                             mattia polibio (1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now