Chapter 21

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"Every life is complicated, every mind a kingdom of unmapped mysteries."


Adilyn's POV

The sound of people's voices fills my ears pulling me from the depths of sleep.

"I told Cooper." The distant voice speaks. I recognise the high-pitched tone immediately as Mila's.

"Luckily he was fine with it," she says again.

My eyes flutter open and I glance around Harry's room. The voice echoes from just outside the door.

"Now you just have to talk to Naz," Mila instructs again.

There is a pause before I hear another voice, "I will talk to him today."

The deep tone is instantly familiar to me. Harry.

"Good," Mila replies before an edge creeps into her voice, "You better not screw this up."

I was surprised by Mila's sharp tone. I hardly ever heard her voice sway from anything but enthusiastic and positive. My mind still feels groggy with sleep. Silence fills the room again and I hear the distant sound of footsteps retreating away from the door.

What were they talking about?

I hear the door open moments later and I snap my eyes closed. The floorboards creak as someone walks into the room. I peek through my eyelashes to see Harry standing at the foot of the bed.

"Morning sleepyhead," he greets noticing me stir. I smile at his breezy greeting, opening my eyes completely to meet his beaming ones.

"It's 11 a.m.," he announces.

"What? Really?" I blurt, surprised. "I hardly ever sleep in like this."

"Don't worry I only woke up half-hour ago too," he offers me a happy grin as he says the words. His eyes are glinting softly at me and I can tell he is thinking about the events of last night too.

My muscles feel stiff as I roll onto my back looking up at him. I reach my arms above my head, straightening them to a stretch. Harry watches me, his eyes darting down to my stomach as the material lifts to reveal my skin. He seems to be lost in thought for a moment before he gives a brief shake to his head. I quickly pull the shirt down.

"I brought you a coffee," he announces and I notice the cup held in his hand.

"Oh, yes," I murmur happily and sit up in bed leaning my back against the headboard.

He chuckles, "So you like your coffee, huh?'

"Like?" I scoff at him. "It's a lifeline."

He laughs, the creases forming on his cheeks as he does so. I get the sudden feeling to graze my fingers along them but instead, I just reach for the coffee.

He hands the cup to me tenderly and I bring it to my lips straight away, taking a sip. I look up at him as he still stands at the edge of the bed smiling down at me. I pat the bed next to me and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Come sit?" I ask him and he nods plopping himself down next to me, legs stretching out and crossing over each other as he, too, rests against the headboard.

I feel small butterflies prickle in my stomach. How should I act around him now after spending another night in his bed?

"So," I speak up, "What are we all going to do today?"

"Actually, Naz and I have to pop out for a bit," he says and I watch his expression turn intense momentarily.

"What are guys doing?" I ask him curiously, watching as his eyelids hood and his mouth presses into a line. That's when I notice the black dress pants and white button-down he is dressed in. The material hugs his arms and shoulders tightly, fitting him well.

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