Chapter 14- Calming

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Ok idc if u read this or not but thank you guys for 600 reads!! I've never had a book do this well so lmk if there's anything u want me to write in or maybe filler chapter ideas okay? Thank you!

Chapter Fourteen- Calming

"Jayden, I need you to look me in the eyes." Ashton said. I nodded and hesitantly looked him in the face. His warm hazel eyes captivated me, distracting me from the current situation.

"Good. Now breathe with me, okay? In," he breathed in, "and out." He exhaled. I took shaky breaths with him, not able to detach my eyes from his. Seeing me following his breathing pattern, he smiled at me. I immediately felt my face grow hot. It was so genuine. He has nice lips... and perfect teeth...

"Eyes up here, princess." He teased, seeing my eyes drift. I looked up at him while he continued to help me breathe, sitting next me on my bed.

Once I was calmer, he extended an arm towards me. I leaned away from him subconsciously.

"May I-?" He asked. I looked at him in confusion before slowly nodding my head, realizing what he wanted. I watched his arm as it looped around my shoulders. I tensed up and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to suppress my the scared feeling. He is not my dad. He is safe. He is not trying to hurt me. He won't hurt me. I'm okay. I can trust him. I reassured myself.

I took a ragged breath in and opened my eyes. He was staring at me, concerned. I met his eyes for a split moment before staring back down at my hands in my lap.

He pulled me in slightly. The moment our shoulders bumped, I squeaked and stood up abruptly.

"I- sorry, I uh-," I stuttered at him, feeling embarrassed. He looked at me, once again concerned. He shook his head.

"Don't apologize. Are calmed down?" He asked, looking me in the eye. God, he's hot.

"Yeah...," I whispered, "thank you."

"Don't worry about it. May I ask what happened?" He asked calmly. I pondered it for a sec, before shaking my head no. I'm not comfortable telling him... or anyone as a matter of fact.

"Okay, you can tell me when your ready." He said, getting up from next to me to go back to his bed. My head shot up, and I grabbed the corner of his shirt, not knowing what I was doing.

"Uh, could you maybe stay over here?" I asked him. His eyes softened and he nodded and sat back down.

We just sat there for a while leaning against the wall in a content silence. I'm not sure why I asked him to stay, but his presence was... calming.

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