Chapter 22- But First, Pizza

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Chapter 22- But First, Pizza

As I spoke, I saw flashes of what happened. Things I'd blocked out and forgotten uncovered in my head and I cried so hard I thought I would throw up.

"If you don't want to keep going, it's okay." Grayson comforted me, but I barely noticed.

"N-no," I sobbed, "I have to do this." I couldn't stop or I'd never talk about it again. I told him everything. From the day he returned, when I came out, when he betrayed me, to the room under the stairs. I don't know how much I said about that room, but I saw the fear in Grayson's eyes.

I pulled my legs in, remembering how he'd touch me. How helpless I felt. My mind went on autopilot and I don't remember the rest of what I said, but my cleared when I was done and saw the look on Grayson's face.

The color drained from my face.

"I- I'm so sorry." I gasped. Oh my god, what the fuck did I just do. I covered my mouth with my trembling hands and flipped out.

He doesn't believe me. He's going to tell everyone and everyone's not going to believe me and Bill will find out and he'll find me and he'll get me again and he'll- he'll.

"I'm- I'm-," I couldn't finished my sentence. I got up abruptly and sprinted to the bathrooms across from us. I opened the closest stall and prayed the seat was up before puking my guts up.

I coughed up vomit for a minute before wiping my mouth on my jacket sleeve, feeling a hand rubbing circles on my back. I jumped and backed further into the stall.


"Go away," I demanded.

"No. I'm not going away. I want you to know that I believe you," he said firmly.

"You do?" I asked softly. I felt more tears prick and I started sobbing again. Grayson rushed over and gave me a nice, warm hug. I snuggled into him a little, not caring who he was. God, I love hugs.

"Do you want me to give you advice about the whole Ashton thing?"

"No," I whispered into his hoodie, "give me a bit." I said honestly. Grayson sighed and gave me a fatherly squeeze.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"I didn't do anything." He responded.

"Yes you did." I pulled away a bit to look up at him.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You believed me." His gaze softened and he gave me one last hug.

"How about we skip today. I'll try and convince people your sick and that I'm helping you, if and only if, you listen to my advice." I nodded hesitantly and he pulled out his phone.

"Hey, man, can you tell the office that Jayden Hayes is sick and that I'm absent taking care of him?" I faintly heard a groan on the other end. Grayson smiled and hung up.

"Okay, let's go."

"Go where?" I asked.

"We could go to my dorm, or yours, or we could sneak off. The choice is yours." I pondered it for a moment.

"Let's get out of here." I said, swiping the remaining tears from my cheeks, grateful for how patient he was being.

"Alright." He said, patting my back and walking. "Come on." He said and I jogged to catch up with him, smiling a bit. He noticed and I saw the corners of his mouth tilt up a bit.

We snuck off campus easily; Grayson had memorized the way out.

Once we were far enough from the campus, we walked towards town, where I'd never been to before, so obviously Grayson led the way.

"Ooohh, I love this place!" Grayson started towards a building.

"What is it, exactly?" I asked, eyeing the run down place.

"Pizza!" He said happily.

"Mmm." I said. It's been a long ass time since I've had good ass pizza.

We walked in and the little bell chimed. Unlike the outside, the interior was sleek and clean looking. It was refreshing.

The guy at the front desk sat us at a table and we immediately looked at the laminated menus. Why are the names so fancy?? It's literally fucking pizza. Where's the normal pepperoni? I scanned the menu for it, having to read the itty bitty descriptions. I glanced up to see Grayson staring thoughtfully at me. I frowned.

"What?" I asked. He sighed.

"Look, you're totally gonna hate me, but I'm gonna give you my thoughts on the Ashton situation, okay?" He said. I also sighed.

"Fine." I agreed.

"Okay, all I want is for you to hear me out, but have you thought that maybe Bill and Ashton are friends, but that Ashton doesn't know who he is?"

"Impossible." I frowned deeper.

"Is it, though? Why would he be so affected by you ignoring him if he knew what he was doing?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"He's obviously making it all up to gain my trust." I said smartly.

"Jayden. Not everyone is out to get you, okay? I've known Ashton for years and years and he's never done shit like that!" He said honestly. I didn't respond right away. Maybe they're working together with Grayson too. Maybe they're all lying. No. They wouldn't. Plus, they would've done something by now if they were working together.

"Hey," he snapped me out of it, "I can see you overthinking this. How about you simply talk to Ashton? Ask him if he knows who Bill is. You don't have to tell him anything, but he deserves to know why you're ignoring him." I thought over his words for a minute before standing up. He's so right!

"I'm going to go ask right now!" I declared.

"Um, what about pizza?" Grayson smiled.

"Oh yeah, pizza. Then I go ask him!" I plopped back down, laughing at my self. God, I can totally have tunnel vision sometimes. I'm scared to ask Ashton, but I feel rude about ignoring him. What if he's sad? What if he hates me? What if I'm completely right? I'll ask later. But for now, pizza.

Okay since literally no one saw my update thing:

I don't know which way I'm gonna go with the story!! So I could go with Ashton, as I was originally, or change to Grayson, who just became a more important character.

I want to know if you guys are comfortable with a poly relationship. (I'm poly so I'm biased hehe)


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