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Cw// objects up arse

It was around 12 am, Alex was sitting on top of his bed trying to cool down, he opened the windows and doors but nothing seemed to help, he then decided to take a cold shower, but not even that helped him. He started getting desperate and could barely breathe, he then realized what was up, and he knew exactly what to do

He then started to search something under his bed, “I swore it was here“ he mumbled a couple times and sfter searching for a good couple of minutes but he gave up, he couldn't find it didn't find it, not even the box was there.

He wondered if he should ask George if he saw it but what was him even supposed to say? “oi George have you seen my dildo, I can't find it " yeah no way he's asking him so he just went to the kitchen for some water he leaned against the fridge and he started drinking water like if his life depended on it, he didn't even realize he was drinking that much water, but then he started feeling lightheaded, he then stopped drinking and put the glass upside down inside a counter,  he then saw something white, it was really phallic looking "oh my, is that it“ he then started unzipping his pants and pulling down his underwear, he started rubbing that white thing against his anus, it felt so good he was trying to walk to his room so if George came in the first thing he'd see that morning is him doing that, he sat on his bed and started pushing it deeper and deeper, he swore his dildo was longer but he just ignored it, when he was completely done he cleaned up his room and went to bed, leaving the little white thing on his side table.
The next day when he woke up he saw it, a white short cylinder that looked really familiar to him, he stared at the cum glazed container for a good couple minutes before he realized what it was "oh my god what the fuck have I just done" he said in a worried tone, he quickly got up and threw it in the trash bin, and went to the bathroom and saw George cooking some eggs and toast "morning Al" he said while searching through the cabinets "morning" Alex responded "have you seen the salt shaker Alex? I can't find it and the eggs taste raw without salt" he started panicking "n-no, I haven't seen it in a while either...  use the salt bag, I swear it's in the top left cabinet" Alex said nervously "oh yeah I forgot about that, thanks Alex" George said "no problem mate" alex responded while making his way to the bathroom, a good bath it's the only thing he needed to forget everything that just happened.

Sea Salt ~ Eboys420 one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now