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cw// piss

Will and Alex were chilling on the couch watching a movie when Alex saw the time,

"fuck it's 11 pm,," he said while softly face-palming himself
"don't worry Alex, you can stay overnight if you want," Will said looking at Alex

"thanks, mate I probably should" Alex responded,

"but isn't Mia's friend staying over too?" he asked with a worried expression on his eyes, he didn't want to walk home this late

"of fuck she is you are right," Will said while getting up and going to Mia's room where she and her friend were and knocked the door

"yes?" Mia said while getting up to open the door

"Hey Mia, can I ask you a question?" Mia nodded "where's your friend staying tonight"

"she's probably going to stay on the couch, why?" Mia said and looked back to her friend to see if she was ok with that and her friend nodded

"oh, because Alex is staying over tonight too," he said

"well we could sleep together and Alex sleeps on the couch," Mia said, "are you ok with that?" Mia asked her friend and she nodded again

"no don't worry I don't want to bother you two, she can stay on the couch" will said "I'll just sleep with Alex in my bed, I think it's big enough for both of us"

"Alright if you say so, but don't complain because you got no sleep like last time," Mia said giggling a bit


"yeah sure, now go and sleep with your new bf," Mia said laughing

"hahaha comedy genius" will said leaving the room and going back to the living room

"sleep tight" Mia shouted from her room

"you too!" Will shouted back and he sat on the couch with Alex "looks like we have to sleep together, are you ok with that Al?"

"yeah don't worry, but didn't you sleep shit last time we slept in the same bed?"

"I did but my bed is bigger now so I think there will be no problems this time" will said

"Alright then," Alex said, "I'm not sleepy yet tho, should we do something instead" Alex said getting up from the couch

"sure, I know exactly what to do" Will said excitedly while getting a big box full of various drinks

Alex started laughing "will, NO, we cant get wasted tonight" he said

"come on Alex you know you want to" Will tried to convince him "and I need to learn how to use this mini cocktail station I bought on amazon"

"Sorry man I need to do stuff tomorrow, but we can do some non-alcoholic cocktails, I know some recipes," Alex said trying to not ruin Will's plans for that night

"but that's basically juice" will said "ok then, let's do some non-alcoholic cocktails"

Alex and Will went to the kitchen and attempted to do some cocktails, they tasted horrible but for some reason, Alex really liked them, so he ended up drinking all the "cocktails" they made, he was having such a fun time doing them but they didn't give up until they did an actual good cocktail, ironically enough, the only one that ended up being drinkable for Will was just strawberry and salty ice blended, but Will drank it like if his life depended on it.

after they were done, they cleaned up and went to bed, who would've thought that making cocktails for over 2 hours would've been so tiring, Alex slept in the left corner of the bed because he didn't want to bother will tonight. Both of them fell asleep really quickly even if Will's bed was a bit uncomfortable for Alex but he really couldn't complain.

the time passed it was almost 3 am and Alex woke up, the lower parts of his stomach were in pain and he had a weird feeling arround his blader area but he ignored as he didn't wanted will to wake up, he couldn't fall alseep again because of the pain but he was too tired to even recognize what it was, but then it hit him, he needed to piss, he needed to piss really badly, he tried to move but when he did, Will let out a groan, he couldn't wake up Will.

the time passed, it was 3:34 in the morning and he needed to piss like crazy, his throat let out a soft and pitchy noise when he tried to move again, his first reaction was putting one of his arms between his legs and squeezing it with his thighs when he was jumpscared by wills hand slowly approaching his torso, there's no way hes moving now.

the more time it passed the worse it got, he was shaking and in the verge of tears, "what do i do now" his brain kept telling to him "i cant let go, this is will's-" his thoughts were interrupted when Will gently dragged alex closer, pressing his stomach and letting him in the verge of losing control of his bladder, he let out some tears, theres no way hes doing this, he cant do this, he tried to breathe and calm down but when he did he felt a warm feeling between his thighs, it felt so good but he realized what it was, "I CANT DO THIS IM NOT A FUCKING CHILD" he thought to himself while stopping the wetness coming out, he started sobbing, his bladder felt so heavy, he needed to let it go.

he kept struggling and holding it like his life depended on it, he was decided to not let it go, he couldnt do it, not in Will's bed.

he hasn't wet the bed since he was 5 years old, he now was a grown man who knew how to control his bladder... or was he? that thought spreaded a wave of embarrassment all around his face

he was running out of time, he knew his bladder would bust in just some minutes, yet he kept holding it he wasn't planning on letting go any time soon.

but his plans were ruined when Will pulled him closer making him completely lose control of his bladder, the warm liquid spreaded all around his pants and the bed, some even started dripping on the floor, he let out a soft defeated sob which made Will wake up.

"A- Alex are you ok" will said, he looked really worried, but Alex couldn't talk, he couldnt move, he couldnt do anything, he was just letting his bladder empty and blushing deeply, he felt so embarrassed, he just wet his friend's bed that was the only though in his mind.

the puddle got to Will making him realize what was wrong with Alex, he groaned softly in disgust and that only made Alex blush even more and stop letting go.

"Alex..." Will was really disgusted but he didn't wanted to make Alex even sadder so he tried to word his sentence in the best way possible "Alex my bathroom was right there you know you have permission to use it"

Alex tried to respond but he couldnt find the words, he just blushed and managed to stutter the words "I-I'm so sorry Will, I- I didn't wanted to wake you up" Alex said.

Will didn't know how to respond to that,leaving the room silent, the only thing they could hear was some drops hitting the carpet "wake me up? Alex mate don't be stupid" he said "I dont care if you wake me up or not, you could've hurt yourself if you holded it too long"

Alex just blushed even more, his face was deep red "I'm really sorry Will, you are right, im a Fucking baby" he said defeated but will pulled him into a hug, pressing him again and letting go the last drops let in his bladder, so now he pissed all over his friend and his bed, great! he thought to himself, Will barely noticed, he just felta bit of warmness spread around the area touching Alex, "Will I'm-" Alex tried to say but he was cut of by Will "don't worry Alex, accidents can happen" Alex cried and quickly left Will's house

"Alex dont you want to get changed fir-" Will was cut off by the sound of the door closing, Alex felt so guilty, he wet the bed at his mate's house and didn't even cleaned up, he didn't even cleaned up himself, All the people in the street couldnt help but notice his pants soiled in piss, some gave him disgusting looks which made him blush and star running to his flat,

he then arrived to the flat "hey Al" George said opening the door, but he quickly noticed the worried look in Alex's eyes "whats wrong" George said, Alex pointed at the big wet spot on his pants "this happened" Alex said "All over Will's bed" Alex let out some tears and rushed to the bathroom"Alex wait!" George said but he was completely ignored by Alex, who closed the bathroom, took a bath and acted like that day never happened and asked Will to dont it bring up again

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