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George was getting ready to go outside, he needed to send someone a package because for some reason the company wouldn't directly ship it to his house,
"oi Alex, I'm going to the post office , are you coming with me?" George shouted from the middle of the living room
"alright but wait I'm making some food" Alex responded while making what appeared to be brownies
"ok I'll wait for you then" George said "what are you cooking by the way?" he continued meanwhile he walked to the kitchen where Alex was struggling to cool down something on a tray
"I'm trying to make brownies but they don't taste amazing" Alex said, he sounded disappointed but not really surprised, his cooking skills weren't the best and he knew that
"they look normal in my opinion" George said "can I eat one?"
"idk ask that to your stomach not me" Alex said "they have some plums so idk if you'll like it"
"I know I'm not going to like it either way, look at the state of that" George said pointing at a brownie that looked like a brown and diseased brick
"true true" Alex said giggling a bit
George then proceeded to take a bite off the brownie, it tasted so good for some reason, so he ate the whole thing, leaving Alex with a surprised look on his face
"did you actually liked them or you just felt bad for me?" Alex looking at George weirdly
"no they are actually surprisingly good I really like them" George said smiling slightly
"well you can have them if you want, there's no actual way I'm eating that" Alex said laughing a bit
"thanks mate" George said "I'll eat them meanwhile you get ready"
"Oh shit yeah I forgot we were going out, give me 2 seconds I'll clean myself quickly" Alex said rushing to his room meanwhile George kept eating the cursed brown bricks you could barely call brownies.
After a few minutes passed, Alex came back to the kitchen to meet George finishing the last brownie
"God you were hungry weren't you?" Alex laughed
"I wasn't I genuinely liked them" George complained "we should get moving if we want to come back before night" George finished while leaving the flat with Alex.
They went on an uber and arrived to a weird shop "you sure it's here?" Alex said sounding a bit worried
"yeah the website says it's here" George said "stay outside meanwhile I send my stuff "
Alex nodded and leaned against the door of the shop
"I'm so sorry, it's 4pm, we can't attend you anymore, please come back tomorrow or go to another shop" a woman with a really cute voice said when she saw George and Alex enter the shop
"oh ffs I'm busy tomorrow" George said a bit disappointed"what other establishments are open?"
"the closest one in in this address" the woman said writing the address in a paper and giving it to George "it closes in half an hour"
"HALF AN HOUR?!, there's no way we are getting there in time" George said worried
"you could use public transport, it is usually quicker to get there instead of an Uber" the woman said giving George an IreallyWantToHelpYouButICant:( look
"alright thanks!" George said rushing to the bus station with Alex following him, they just took a random bus and hoped for the best.
an hour passed, they were in the middle of the actual nowhere and George was regretting doing that, soon George gave up and took another bus to go home, at least this time the bus wasn't as ominously lonely as the last bus.
But not even half an hour later he started feeling weird, his stomach was hurting he thought it was just a normal stomach ache but then it started getting worse and worse, he felt like someone was trying to grab his guts and it started growling quietly, he knew something was going to happen soon and that he needed to get off the bus, but he didn't even know where he was, he didn't know where the bus stops, he was completely lost.
As time passed by the pain started getting worse and worse, it was unbearable, but he wasn't going to shit himself in a fucking bus, so he kept trying to stay calm.
George needed to sit down and quick, thankfully he found a seat, it was really far from Alex's seat but he had one.
When he tried to sit down the pain got even worse, he needed to let go soon, he panicked at the thought of him messing himself in a bus, he was a grown man, he couldn't let that happen.
The bus didn't seemed like it was even near a stop, George was so nervous, he didn't know what to do, he knew what would happen to him if the bus didn't stopped soon.
The pain started coming in waves that let him just about to let go, but he tried his best to hold "I can't fucking do this, I'm not a child, I can control myself" he kept thinking to himself he was trying to convince himselfhe'd make it to a bathroom in time.
Sadly that didn't last long as one of the pain waves surprised him, letting a soft noise leave his throat in embarrassment as he felt a buldge in his behinds started growing more and more, all that he had on his stomach and bowels went right on his underwear and pants, all in a public transport .
it kept going for a good half a minute, his pants were a messy disaster but at least it felt really good to finally let go.
it didn't took long for people to realize that something smelled off, some started checking if it was their children but they soon realized it was him, that only made George's face turn red in embarrassment and made his thoughts scream to him "why did, I do it, I'm not a fucking animal, why does this had to happen to me" he wanted to cry and run, he was trying his best to not let any tears roll down his face.
He had to handle the feel of that buldge, the smell that got worse and more prominent every second and the weird looks of people, even a little girl started telling her mom that she thought her baby sister messed his diaper again, but it wasn't her baby sister, it was a grown man that was sitting in front of her
But finally he heard the driver said that they were going to stop soon, he didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried, he couldn't just walk off the buss normally with a giant brown and mushy spot right on his arse even tho the whole bus already knew that he just shat himself.


                             Alex 😎

                                         Alex come to my                 
                                     seat quickly please

Is everything
ok George?

                                        I had an accident      

                                           please Alex just        
                                                     come here

Wait what

                                           Alex please just       
                                          come to my seat

George what's
wrong please tell

                                      I shat myself and I      
                                      need your fucking          
                                             jacket to cover     

                                        Alex just fucking      
                                   come here I need to      
                                              get off the bus
Ok I'm omw
                                                 Thanks man
Alex arrived to his seat and realized what George was on about, he quickly gave him his jacket and got off the next stop.
George felt so weird when he was walking, but thankfully they could walk home, people on the streets noticed what happened but he still arrived in one piece and went right into the bathroom to get cleaned and changed

I do love long chapters don't I?
Also I want to make every chapter name a different food because yummy

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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