Ex's Goods Shop

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it's been a month since I open my shop I know it's weird we sell and buy people ex's stuff. okay, let me explain it. in my shop, if someone had stuff from their ex-girlfriend/boyfriend that they think is useless they can sell it to us we gonna buy and sell it to the public. I have two employees they actually my very best friends Matt and Jason.

Matt: you know our shop is so popular 
Jason: you right...
Katya: if you guys knew that then go do your job

they right tho so plenty of people came after my grand opening. 

Katya: welcome- Kim?!
Kim: Katya, it's been a long time
Katya: you alone?
Kim: I actually with-
??: KIM! could you wait for me-
Katya: Trixie...
Trixie: Katya!

I finally meet her after years since our break up she is my everything. she one of my inspirations to build this shop. god! I missed her

Trixie: Katya...
Katya: sorry I zoned out... hi Trixie wow!
Trixie: it's been a long since um-...
Katya: the break-up, yeah...
Kim: uh Katya I wanna sell this stuff
Katya: sure let me-
Matt: let me help with that. come this way, miss

Kim leaves with matt while I took Trixie to the couch 

Trixie: so you the owner?
Katya: yup
Trixie: it's so weird and interesting at the same time
Katya: I know I just wanna build something different. how are you, Trix?
Trixie: I'm good. I work at some company and everything went well 
Katya: that's great
Trixie: how about you? 
Katya: nothing new... besides the shop. 
Trixie: have you met your father?
Katya: no, I'm still waiting for the right time to meet him
Trixie: hey, how about we grab some coffee tomorrow?
Katya: okay

Kim and Trixie leave the shop. I miss Trixie so much and when I meet her today I still got butterflies in my stomach.

Jason: Is that the infamous Trixie?
Katya: Yeah, she is the Trixie that I told you guys.
Matt: do you still like her, kats?
Katya: you know matt I never stop loving her
Jason: then why you break up?
Katya: that's a long story and I'm not telling you
Jason: come on, Katya I wanna know
Katya: nope, back to work

the next day I meet her again for a coffee break. I notice something 

Katya: fancy ring, Trixie... are you engaged?
Trixie: Yeah, oh and this is my wedding invitation.
Katya: oh, congratulation Trixie I'm so happy for you
Trixie: thank you, Katya
Katya: so what her name? 
Trixie: actually it's him. his name is dave he a businessman
Katya: he sounds so cool 

Really Katya?! of course I'm not happy. I still love her but if she is happy with him I really can't do anything about it. I'm back at my store after meeting Trixie

Matt: So how the coffee date?
Katya: that's not a date. look at this
Jason: huh? a wedding invitation?
Matt: shit! don't say...
Katya: Yeah, she is getting married
Jason: I'm sorry, Katya
Katya: you know what it's fine
Matt: you have to move on, kat. you said you make this store so everyone can move on from their ex but why you can't move on from her yet?
Katya: she is so special to me matt it's not that simple 
Jason: then try harder to let her go Katya. you gonna hurt yourself if you don't

I leave them they were right but I just can't. The next day Trixie came to my store again 

Katya: hey, do you need something or you just miss me?
Trixie: I need your help Katya
Katya: sure, what is it?
Trixie: so I need you to help me choose my wedding decoration. dave already choose 3 out of 10 so help me picked 1.
Katya: okay, let see...hmm I'm sorry to say this but your fiance taste is suck 
Trixie: Katya...
Katya: kidding, okay I'll choose this one. because you like pink with little white so I think it will be cute.
Trixie: Yeah, you right it is cute.
Katya: like you cute

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