But...She Pregnant

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 Trixie: Katya, I need to tell you something 
Katya: what is it? 
Trixie: i-i can't...
Katya: you can tell me anything, baby
Trixie: i-i'm pregnant, kat
Katya: w-wha-
Trixie: please don't be mad kat
Katya: who is it? when? 
Trixie: at adore's party I was drunk kat then jack-
Katya: jack huh? jack your ex...what are thinking Trix?
Trixie: kat I'm sorry i-
Katya: SORRY CAN'T HIDE THE FACT YOU SLEPT WITH YOUR EX AND HAVE HIS BABY TRIXIE! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S OVER TRIX.... they all right about you, you just a biggest whore in this school

I leave her with tears in my eyes and I still can hear her cry. it makes me regret what I say to her but I was too tired to care I went to my home and cry myself to sleep.


You are a pathetic Trixie your girlfriend hates you and now your parent. yup! I told my parent what happens and guest what they kicked me out well my dad kicked me out. now I don't know where to sleep tonight I just walk and found a bench nearby the park I sit and warm myself up. I held my stomach.

Trixie: I know you're not born yet I'm so sorry for being a bad mommy for you but I promise to protect you no matter what


The next day I'm ready to talk to Trixie and apologize to her about what I said to her. but I didn't saw her since first period I decided to talk to her friend Dela

Katya: dela... did you know where Trixie is?
Dela: you don't know...katya she was expelled from school
Katya: w-what? I need to find her! thanks, dela

after school I ride to her house. I knock on her door and her dad open it

Trixie's dad: Katya... the dyke girlfriend
Katya: first of all rude and second where is Trixie? I need to see her
Trixie's dad: oh her I don't know
Katya: what do you mean you don't know you are her dad 
Trixie's dad: we don't know where she is...I kicked her out we can't handle her and a baby
Katya: w-what? how could you? she pregnant you phsyco!

 I run to my motorcycle and I went to looking for her I hope she okay. hour after hour I couldn't find her then I hear scream I follow the sound and found Trixie being held by 3 men.

Katya: get your filthy hands off my girlfriend, jerk!
??: a dyke.... you want your Lil girlfriend? well, fight us!
Trixie: katy-
Katya: bring it on, dick head!

 I beat the gang up fortunately I know how to fight. they leave with fear in their eye I hug Trixie god! she freezing I took off my jacket and wrap her body 

Katya: you freezing, Trix...let's go home
Trixie: don't make me go home, Katya...
Katya: I know baby, we gonna go to my house

I ride back home. I change her dirty clothes to a warm hoodie and give her a warm soup my mom made it for her. she knows her situation and let Trixie stay. then we ready to sleep

Trixie: Katya, c-can we cuddle?
Katya: of course, baby you don't need to ask Trix

I cuddle her she hugs me tightly and I hear a soft sob coming from her it breaks my heart. it must be tough for her.

Trixie: thank you kat for saving me
Katya: hey, that's my job to protect you
Trixie: Katya...I don't want to get rid of it
Katya: then don't We keep it
Trixie: we? but you hate me because of it
Katya: Trixie I'm sorry about the other day it was stupid. so can I take care of you and mini-you?
Trixie: I love you, kat
Katya: I love you too

I kiss her forehead I hear soft snore coming from Trixie I place my hand on her stomach 

Katya: I promise to try to make you and your mom happy...



 I graduate and working as a profesional designer. Trixie doesn't continue her college and had a baby girl name Svetlana Mattel-Zamolodchikova. we move to LA away from our parents and it just us. not gonna lie the first time we moved it was hard we are young parent after all but now we get used to it. I open my mansion door

Lana: MAMA! 

 she runs to my arms I hold her and walk to our living room I see Trixie sit on the couch. I sit and kiss her and Lana of course because she gets jealous.

Trixie: she really attach to you now and I'm getting jealous
Katya: really Trix? you two are adorable

you know I felt my promise 2 years ago is fulfilled now looking at my loved one happy is the best feeling I ever felt.   


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