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Trixie: what if it didn't work? again
Katya: hey, look at me... I have feeling for this one
Trixie: but Katya...
Katya: how about this you took the test but don't look at it yet we  gonna look together 
Trixie: that's sound great

 Katya my wife tries to get me pregnant. We got a sperm donor of course. We try it for so long but it never works hope I get it this time. You know third time is a charm, right?  

Trixie: go to work now kat you'll be late .... and don't forget your lunch box on the table 
Katya: god you are a perfect wife and I love you
Trixie: thank you and I love you too 

 she leaves for work. I'm doing laundry, cleaning up, and went to the grocery. I buy a pregnancy test too. I feel about to throw up I hurry back home. I don't feel well today weird so I decided to take the test I know I not supposed to do that well here goes...
 it was positive omg! I'm so happy I can't wait for Katya to find out. after that, I went to cook dinner well a special dinner. 
 it's currently midnight Katya never been this late I was worried. so I decided to pack the dish and bring her dinner. I drive to her office I walk and I see Dela the receptionist when she about to go she saw me.

Dela: Trixie?! 
Trixie: Dela, umm is Katya still there?
Dela: yeah, I saw her earlier you can go to her office it's down the hall 
Trixie: thank you Dela 
Dela: of course have nice night bye, Trixie

 I wave at her and begin to walk to Katya's office when I right in front of the door I hear moan it definitely not Katya. my heartbeat goes faster and when i open the door i can't believe what i saw there's katya between her assistant violet thigh. i drop the box and can't help but cry

Katya: Trixie?!

 I run out Katya run after me and grab my wrist

Katya: Trixie.. I can expain
Trixie: HOW COULD YOU?! how could you Katya i-i don't want to hear it... you know i-i was waiting for you and you just there fucking your assistant.
Katya: Trixie, please

I slap her and I handed her my pregnancy test. she looks shocked 

Trixie: goodbye Katya we are over   

 I walk to my car and drove to my friend Kim. I knock her door and she opens, i hug her tightly I cry hard on her embrace. I told her what happen and she let me stay in her apartment.

 it's been a month I don't hear from Katya since that night. you know part of me is worried about her but I still hate her for making me feel this way. my baby bumps growing Kim and Naomi her girlfriend is always taking care of me and my little one. 

Naomi: Trixie, are you sure about the divorce?
Trixie: i -i.. yeah
Naomi: you look doesn't sure you know
Trixie: I still love her Naomi... but she hurt me
Naomi: you should talk to her beside we need her signature to complete the paper
Trixie: I try, i will meet her

 I bring the paper with me Naomi is a lawyer so handle my case. I drive to Katya's I saw her car I know she home. I walk to front door it not lock when I'm in the house is a mess there's broken glass everywhere it's dark in here. 

Trixie: Katya?

 then I hear a loud thud from bedroom. I run to our room and find Katya lay there pale I dial 9-1-1 she barely breathe. I can't let her die

Trixie: please Katya stay with me! baby, please!!

 Ambulance took her i drive to hospital. she got in ER I waiting for her i hope she okay i need her i do. after a few hour the doctor said she was okay and want to meet me. i walk to her room i saw her look at me

Trixie: hey...
Katya: is that really you Trix?
Trixie: yeah Katya I'm here

 she broke down in front of me she cries hard I hold her 

Trixie: Katya it's okay
Katya: no it's not I fuck up I wish i-i could fix it i-
Trixie: Katya! do not beat yourself up I'm not mad at you I'm just disappointed 
Katya: please give me second change i- Trixie what is that?

 she saw the paper I try to hide it but she took it from me.

Trixie: it's-
Katya: your coming is not for me... it's okay Trix i will sign it... it's good for you and the baby you know this way I can protect you from me.
Trixie: Katya no i-
Katya: I said it's okay I love you Trix i always do.

 she signs it but I took it and rip it into a piece. 

Trixie: no! listen I need you well you hurt me and i hate you for that but Katya i love you and see you almost die it scares me. you need me I know you do I want us back kat I want my wife back.
Katya: I want my wife back too well with my baby

 I chuckle I hug her tight I let her go and she kisses me. 

Katya: I'm sorry I'm such fuck up
Trixie: no more apologize okay I forgive you
Katya: thank you so much 

 she put her hand on my belly and kiss it.

Katya: Oh god! I will love both of you so much and I promise to not do anything stupid like that anymore.


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