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Thought it will be a pretty story,
Moulded a lie.
She loved it
Believe me she did
But realized she was fading away
Lost herself,
Just a doll of his.
Still not enough?
Drowned in her nightmare for him.
Walked over the eggshells,
Burnt herself into ashes.
Now whenever she looked at the mirror,
Tears are scared of screaming.
Trapped in the moulded lie.
Screaming for help,
"Save me".
He was staring at her while
She turned into ashes,
Screaming in pain but,
Why didn't she regret?
Why she was still looking at him with eyes full of love?
Tears flowed down
Oh wait what an irony!
She was smiling!
Smile was genuine,
Brighter than her scars.
She looked at him
And slowly she faded away.
She faded away while she whispered,
"I loved this pretty story"

Author note: um I think I like it? Haha dk, lemme know about your opinion ❤️🙃

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