chapter 6

56 11 11

( Harish and his family arrive at home)

HARISH: ooff... I feel so tired!

MUGEN: Macha! *call him from his home*


MUGEN: come to my home!

HARISH: oh no, dude I feel so tired!

MUGEN: oh come on harish! My house is just beside your home! Don't be so lazy to walk a few steps!

HARISH: 🙄...Alright! I'll come to your house after I fresh up, wait for minutes, I'll be back!

MUGEN: you may proceed!

( after harish fresh up, he get down from the staircase)

HARISH: Mom and dad I want to go to Mugen home!

DISHA: Go on brotha, mom, dad and me want to go to a restaurant!

HARISH: Go ahead!

( he climbed to Mugen House)

( Harish get into Mugen home)

HARISH: hey dad mom!

MALA: Hey harish!

MUGEN: Good friend of mine 😊

BINDU: Hoi harish!

HARISH: hey Bindu, where are you about to go Bindu?

BINDU: To tuition Harish

MUGEN: yes dude! I want to send Bindu to tuition, wanna join?

HARISH: yea!

MUGEN: okay let's go!


SHEKAR: bye!

( Three of them on the way to Tuition)

BINDU: Mugen can you stop the car for a while?

MUGEN: what for?

BINDU: I, feel hungry! I want to buy a bread

MUGEN: You're a trouble maker! You already ate at Tasha's house right? Why still want to eat?

BINDU: excuse me... I'm not asking you to buy me bread, I just ask you to stop the car! What for you have to bark at me like that? Can you stop the car or can't?

MUGEN: I can't 😤

HARISH: Dude relax! Stop the car Mugen!

MUGEN: Harish?

HARISH: stop the car!

MUGEN: 😤 *stop the car*

HARISH: I'll be back! *get down from car*

HARISH: I'll be back! *get down from car*

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MUGEN: Bindu, you're soo annoying!

BINDU: Really? You're an annoying person! I'm human okay? You know right, we ate at Nisha's house at 9 like that! It's 11 now, that's why my stomach started to rumble!

( Harish back)

HARISH: Here bread and water Bindu! *give to Bindu*

BINDU: 😊 Thank you Harish! I won't suggest to mom, that I want harish to send me to tuition!

MUGEN: Shut up!

HARISH: 😄 Relax man! *tap Mugen's shoulder*

( they arrive at tuition)

MUGEN: your tuition!

BINDU: Bye Harish! *get down from the car and leave*

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