chapter 7

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HARISH: Cool dude! Don't need to be so serious

MUGEN: she is the annoying man!

HARISH: 😊, Not at all Mugen! She is one of the sweet girls, you know?

MUGEN: Alright 🙄, how? Do you want to wait till Bindu finish the tuition at 12:45 or wanna go home?

HARISH: I think, better we stay here till she finishes the tuition

MUGEN: okay then

( Mugen receive a phone call)

MUGEN: ??? *answer* hello? Alright, don't be so late! Alright mom🙄...bye *hang up*

HARISH: who is calling you?

MUGEN: Dad and Mom want to go out, that's why mom calls me to inform!

HARISH: Ohh okay!

MUGEN: Dei I feel hungry! Do you have food?

HARISH: Hehem... I think, just now you scold Bindu

MUGEN: 🙄... Alright Alright... Just answer my question, do you have food or not?

HARISH: 😁, I don't have food, wanna eat at a restaurant?

MUGEN: ya okay!

HARISH: if like that! You wait here, I am going to find any nearby restaurant

MUGEN: Mmm... Okay!

( Harish get down from the car and going to find if there have any nearby restaurant)

( After 1 hour)

MUGEN: Why harish so late? Is he already finding the restaurant or not? *get down from the car*

( Harish back)

MUGEN: What da? Is already found the restaurant?

HARISH: No da, all restaurants closed ready!

( one girl want to cross Harish and Mugen but she stopped when looking at them)

GIRL: Excuse me, what are you looking for? You guys looking lost?

HARISH: No, actually we looking for the restaurant! But all restaurants closed ready!

GIRL: Oh don't worry about that, besides my tuition has one restaurant! It's will close at 2 am

HARISH: oh thank you!

GIRL: You're welcome Handsome's, Byee *wave and leave*

MUGEN: come let's go

HARISH: hey wait! Let's wait for Bindu!

MUGEN: What? What time is it now?

HARISH: 12:40

MUGEN: huff... If like that, you wait here and come with Bindu, I want to go to eat!

HARISH: Alright! Go ahead

MUGEN: Bye *leaving*

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