Chapter 14

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( Harish arrived home and got down from his bike, parking it outside the main door entrance )

HARISH: I'm home.

( Harish took a seat with Disha and his dad, Prakash )

PRAKASH: How was your day today?

HARISH: Yeah, it's been good! Oh, by the way, what's for lunch today?

( Nanthini entered the room from the kitchen )

NANTHINI: Chicken sambal.

HARISH: Great! Okay, I'm going to freshen up.

( After freshening up, Harish had his lunch and then went outside to sit on the swing next to the main door )

Sstt... Sstt...

( As Harish sat on the swing, he heard a sound like "sstt... sstt..." He looked around and turned behind to realize it was Bindu calling him from her house, separated by a wall but just a short walk away )

HARISH: Hey, Bindu?


HARISH: Has Mugen arrived?

BINDU: Yep! He's sleeping now. I also heard that some boys fought with you?

HARISH: Oh, them! Such annoying boys.

( He rolled his eyes, and Bindu smiled at his expression. Harish then proceeded to tell Bindu the whole story. )

BINDU: Why didn't you complain to your lecturer?

( Prakash came out of the house and saw Harish and Bindu. Bindu waved at Prakash, and he waved back with a smile, then looked at Harish )

PRAKASH: Oh yes, Harish, I received a call from your college. They want to take all the students to Johor Bahru college for a trip related to your course. Did you agree to it?

HARISH: Yes! And they want all of us to gather at the field at 1 pm.

PRAKASH: I didn't ask if it was just your class or the whole college.

HARISH: Fine! I'll ask Mugen and Anirudh later.


( As Prakash nodded and went back into the house, Bindu looked at Harish and smiled, and he smiled back )

BINDU: Hopefully, it won't be a long trip.

HARISH: Yeah! Okay, Bindu, I'm going to sleep. I feel so tired.

BINDU: Okay, Harish! Have a good sleep.

( Both of them bid goodbye, and Harish headed to his room )

( As time passed, around 9 pm, Nanthini entered Harish's room and saw him sleeping peacefully. She smiled and sat on the bed, gently running her hand through his hair. Harish slowly opened his eyes and looked at his mom )

NANTHINI: Do you want anything to eat or drink?

HARISH: No, Mom! I just want to sleep.

( Harish continued to close his eyes, and his mom added with a smile )

NANTHINI: Alright! If you need anything, just ask me, okay?

( Harish nodded sleepily, and Nanthini smiled before leaving the room )

( The next morning, around 9 am, Harish descended the stairs, already prepared for the trip, with a black bag on his shoulder )

DISHA: Have a great day there, man!


DISHA: And I'm going to have fun without you, wohoo!

( Harish raised his eyebrows and looked at Disha up and down as she excitedly sent him off. Then Disha looked at Harish and immediately hugged his shoulder )

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