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July 22, 2011


"As I'll ever be,"

"Good, let's go"

The five boys took a deep breath before they took their first steps into studio as their first days of recording.

Harry re-adjusted Christi's arm that was around his neck before grabbing Louis' hand and following the rest of the boys down the hallway.

At the end of the hallway stood the one and only Simon Cowell with the rest of the sound team and management behind him. He had an ominous smile stretched across his face as he watched the boy's make their way down the hall – of course they weren't observant enough to notice – having yet to catch sight of the young girl held closely to the curly headed boy. As soon as all five boys (and toddler) came in view his smile faltered,

"Who's this?" He asked in a fake polite voice, anger almost slipping off his tongue.

The boys all gulped and looked at each other before Louis lifted his and Harry's entwined hands up and shakily said "This is our daughter Christi,"

Loud gasps filled the room, a producer who was sipping water at the moment coughed and spit all the water out onto Simon's back in shock, a member of management grabbed their colleague's shoulder and began whispering in his ear while glancing at the five boys; all while Simon stood there in complete shock.

He knew that Harry and Louis were very upset about their previous conversation that took place about a month before, but he didn't think they would go and adopt a little girl! And it was much too late to get rid of her, thought Simon, he could see in their faces that they had already become attached to the little girl; knowing them probably already loved her like their own. And he couldn't have this oh no, no this wasn't going to work.

But all he did was give a strained smile and ordered "That's nice, please go down to recording room six – there we shall start going over the songs and hopefully begin recording,"

And all the boys nodded and started making their way down to recording room six. Grimacing, Simon spun around to face his team and said,

"Here's what we're going to do about those fags and their daughter – "

Please watch your language Pumpkin


July 22, 2011

Later that day

After a long day of recording, discussing and making changes to the music all while trying to keep the five teenage boys in line – which was a difficult task I should add – the entire crew breathed a sigh of relief as the five boys left the studio a buzz with excitement and the toddler out cold after a long tiring day of watching Blues Clues.

But they couldn't rest for long, for Simon needed to deal with the young family of three; and fast. And before they knew it the crew were dragging their feet into the meeting room, seeing what would await them.



July 22, 2011


"Niall, That's a horrible idea,"

"Pleeeaaase, it would be really funny!" Begged Niall as Liam and Zayn gave each other an exasperated look.

"Niall, telling Christi to ask Harry what sex is – is a horrible idea" Grumbled Liam,

"Oh but please-"Niall began again before getting interrupted by a "'Oh but please' what?" from a certain blue eyed boy.

Niall whipped around to come face to face with Louis standing behind him with a smirk on his face, leaning in towards Niall he whispered tauntingly "Oh but what?"

"Oh- uh nothing, yeah I was just asking Liam if I could eat his- eat his uh, TURTLE! Yeah that was it, turtle." Niall stuttered face turning red as a cherry.

Louis burst out laughing "Oh my god Niall, you should see your face-" Louis' tummy began to hurt from laughing so hard "It's as red as a tomato!"

Fuming, Niall turned away from Louis and began pouting. "Aww is little Nialler embarrassed?" Louis asked while giving Niall a brotherly side hug. Still pouting Niall shook his head and tried to turn away from Louis before he was stopped by Zayn and Liam joining in on the hug. And before he knew it small arms wrapped around his leg, carrying giggles as it went.

"Group hug!" Cheered Christi, as she squeezed Niall's leg harder than he believed the little girl was capable of.

"How 'bout now?" Asked Louis, and before Niall could answer they were a of a sudden splashed with cold water. Everyone separated slightly and looked around before spotting the culprit, with his curls all amok and a cheeky, mischievous grin.

Laughter burst out among the group, as the little toddler ran over to Harry's legs and reached her arms up to go up. Smiling fondly Harry picked her up and placed her on his hip as he watched his friends (and boyfriend) drenched in water roll around on the ground laughing.

It was a good day.

Anyhow, how should we start?


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