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Someone splashed me with cold water.

"YAHH!" I shouted.

And then I realized that I was in a room, the room that had no window nor even a light. There was nothing in this room.

Except another person and me. I could't see anything because as I described earlier there was absolutely no light.

"Time to wake up, Miss Maria" a voice came out from a person, from the darkness.

I knew that voice.

But my head was spinning and couldn't think properly. "You are..?" I asked with a very weak voice. I am so weak now that I couldn't even stand up. What did that evil king have done?!

"Your Majesty. Call me like that." that person answered.

"Your…Majesty?" I repeated.

I knew that my soul and my body were not in touch. But…what could I do? I could't do anything.

My hands were tied with the chains again. This time was tighter.

"Good girl" he said with a giggled. That person…is…him…

"I know that it's you stupid mean Dragon King!" I shouted.

But it didn't come out as a shouting voice as I was so weak.


He giggled again.

"Firstly, you are right that I am the Dragon King. Secondly, my name is Felix. Thirdly, I didn't do anything to you. You just smelt the wild rose liquid so it is common that you will feel a little bit dizzy and weak as the side effect but don't worry it will be good later" he whispered.

Then the silent occurred between us. That was so awkward. Also the feeling that opening eyes and seeing only the darkness made me feel like a blind person.

Then he finally opened up.

"Ten years ago, when you were lost in the forest. It was me who saved you. Don't get me wrong. I didn't plan to save you at first as I really hate humans. The wolves were chasing you and you were running. I planned to leave you like that but…I couldn't. I fighted with them and then carried you to this room. Yes, this room where we are now. You were being unconscious with the wounds of wolves attack. " he stopped.

"And then what happened?" I wanted to know.

Then I felt that a breathing was closer and closer. A very hot breath. Then my heart was racing fast again. He could hear my heartbeat as there were only me and him in a silent room. I can also hear another heartbeat that wasn't from mine.

It was from… him.

I couldn't believe it! Did…did he love Maria at the first sight in the wood so he saved her?

"Do you want to know what happened? Then I felt a warm lip nearly to touch mine.

I looked away making him stop what he was doing.

"Do you love me?" I asked. Well…it was hurt to ask that because that person wasn't really me…it was…Maria…

"I don't know. But whenever I see you my heart races. I hate that feeling, Maria." He stood again and the started to walk. "Do you know how that feels?!" his voice getting a little louder from whispering.

I have no words to say now. Even if I had, my throat was so hurt to speak that I was controlling my tears not to fall.

My heart was so hurt! But why?! Holly, are you…falling in love with him…? I asked myself with the soundless voice.

"But…this time it became faster." He continued. "The sound from my heart is faster and louder. I feel like you are not Maria I saved years ago." I am stunned with his words. "

I am …. Maria" I answered with shaking voice. "No! You are not! Who are you actually?" he shouted!

"I AM MARIA! WHY ARE YOU TELLING I AM NOT-" before I finished my words, he suddenly grabbed my hands from the chain.

"THEN WHY??! WHATS THAT??!" he shouted.

I couldn't see anything but I felt itchy from there.


He then continued "While I was carrying you to this room. A maid has accidentally spilted you with mushroom soup. It was your favourite food that you used to eat! But now…these are allergy, right?"

It seemed that he wanted to deny the fact that I am not Maria…

Didn't Wanna Be Her (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now