Chapter 4

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Cold and alone, she awoke in a state of pure confusion. Lily slowly opened her bleary eyes and scanned the astronomy tower recalling what had happened the previous night. Draco was nowhere to be seen. She glanced down at her wrist watch; 9:36. Lily sprang violently to her feet and bolted down the stairs to the rest of the castle. The first place she knew she had to go was the dormitory as she was still in the muggle outfit she put on before she met with Draco. As she ran, she began to wonder where he was, why had he left her there? Curiosity soon morphed into rage and resentment for the kindness she'd shown him.

As soon as she'd made the quick dash to the dorm, she made sure that she was wearing the correct undergarments as to not have a repeat of the day before. Lily decided that it was best to wait until transfiguration to attend class as it would be rude to burst in merely 15 minutes before the lessons end. She sat down on one of the royal blue armchairs that scattered the common room and let out a long sigh. She pondered where exactly Draco could be and why he'd left her there by herself. Surely since he'd shared such personal details with her, he wouldn't want to risk ticking her off in case she told other people. Did the pair even actually meet in the first place or had Lily just imagined the whole thing?

As the grandfather clock on the back wall struck 10, she decided to dismiss those thoughts for the time being and focus on her lessons. Rising from where she'd been sitting and making her way to transfiguration, Lily pushed her hair back and took the hair tie from her wrist and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She fixed her tie and entered the classroom. The room was filled with other chatting students (both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff) giving the room a warm and familiar atmosphere, restoring order to her chaotic morning. She slid in to her seat next to a Hufflepuff girl called Charity Redburn and began to flip through the pages of the textbook that lay on the desk in front of her. Professor McGonagall entered the classroom with a nonchalant look on her face. She stood at the front and directed her gaze towards Lily.

"Miss Rowse, Professor Flitwick would like to see you in his office. If you would like to go up now and leave your belongings here."

The whole class turned to look at her, some giggling and some whispering to their friends. Lily got up and walked out of the room, she was slightly frightened that Flitwick had learned of her excursion last night yet she kept calm and cool. As she arrived at his office door, the Ravenclaw head of house had already opened it and was ushering her inside.

"Miss Rowse!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed, "Where on earth were you this morning?"

"I slept late sir, I'm awfully sorry."

"That is simply unacceptable, you of all people should understand the importance of your education."

Lily's gaze was fixed on her Mary Jane shoes as a guilty grimace crept onto her face. The professor took a deep breath and sighed.

"This isn't like you Lilith. Your very bright and I know that you know better than to miss classes. Since this is your first offence, I shall let you off with a warning. If I ever get word again that you have failed to turn up to a lesson, I will be forced to be less merciful."

"Thank you, Professor, I'll be sure it never happens again."

With that she turned back to the door and made to return to class, a certain relief washed over her as she realised that Flitwick had no idea that she was in the astronomy tower last night. Although, the thoughts of Draco had returned and the sense of relief soon faded.  

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