Chapter 1

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A dappled sunlight shone through the windows of the girl's dormitory, illuminating the six spruce four poster beds draped in fine blue silk. Nestled in the far-left corner lay a peaceful Ravenclaw by the name of Lillith Rowse. Her waist-length dark hair cascaded across the linen sheets in small water like tendrils. Surrounding her were 5 other sleeping 4th years; Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Veda Abernathy, Dara Macintosh and Indigo Zeki. These 6 young ladies, all deep in a wondrous slumber were about to be startled awake by the thud of Veda's cat, Jeff, falling off of her trunk onto the cold stone floor. 

Dara sat bolt upright in shock then relaxed after realising it was just the tabby being too round to fit atop a rather small storage case, in comparison to its own large body. She proceeded to traipse over to each of the other girls and tear them from their cosy nests. The last of which, and significantly most difficult, was Lillith. 

"Lily get up" 

Groaned Dara, still wishing she was in bed herself.

Unintelligible mumbles of refusal came out from under a wad of cushions and throws. 

"If you don't get up, I'm not saving you a bagel"

Just as Dara had intended, Lily rolled onto the floor in her lilac-coloured silk pyjama shirt and matching booty shorts. By the time she finally opened her eyes Dara was already on the other side of the room tightening her Safire and silver tie. 

"What time is it?" She yawed.

"7:56 precisely" Chimed in Luna midway through hoisting up her socks.


Lily scrambled to remove her top and tug on the white button up shirt and grey pencil skirt that lay underneath the bed. As the group were on their way across the school to get to breakfast and she was fixing her hair, the realisation hit her that she forgot to put on a bra. 

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

"What did you forget now?" 

"Shut up Indigo, but if you must know I forgot to put my bra on this morning"

"Well done"

Giggles echoed and reverberated through the corridors. The group finally made it to the great hall with Lily still attempting to use her hair to hide her boobs. The rest of the group walked to the Ravenclaw table however, in her fumble Lily somehow managed to knock the edge of the Slytherin table with her hips. Just as she attempted to apologise to whoever she'd just interrupted; a low familiar voice rang out.

"Missing something Rowse?" Came the sneering mocking voice of Draco Malfoy.

Lily slowly looked up at the defined pale face looming above her. In her flustered terror-stricken state, the only answer she could find to respond with was;

"Oh....I um.... sorry...." 

Draco roared with laughter at the girl's inability to speak in the current situation and that her makeshift nipple covers had been destroyed. 

"Lost for words and the proper decency today, are we?" He sniggered whilst staring directly down at her chest which was almost entirely visible due to the translucent fabric of her shirt. 

Now she really hadn't the foggiest idea as to what to do. She couldn't even stifle an awkward laugh to take some of the pressure off of her. Thankfully at that very moment Professor McGonagall wound up astride Draco and made him jump as she spoke;

"Mr Malfoy would you care to stop teasing Miss Rowse for.... disturbing your table?" 

He begrudgingly gave a stiff nod and sat back down as Lily got escorted to her friends. In her embarrassment she glanced back to see how much of a mess she had caused. Somehow only an empty glass had been knocked over and Draco had resumed his conversation with Crabbe and Goyle. She seemed to see him slip her a wink and then go back to his porridge. 

No, he can't have winked at her. But she saw him. Her train of thought was broken by the professor whispering to her;

"After you've eaten, I would advise you to go and get changed."

"I will, thank you professor."

As swiftly as she arrived, Professor McGonagall had returned to the teacher's table. Lily sat down and threw her face into her palms in disbelief. Amid this the other girls almost died of laughter and outstretched their hands as an offer of condolence. 

The rest of breakfast went off as per usual and after Lily stopped nursing a piece of jam toast, she ran up to the Ravenclaw tower to get changed and avoid any more unnecessary embarrassment or indecent exposure. 

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