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"GAR!" Rachel called out to him,but Gar had no intentions of stopping, much less talk to her.

"Calm down, calm the hell down." Gar said to himself, now pacing around the training room, he heard Rachel's footsteps get closer and he knew he was possibly going to hurt her, badly.

"Gar what's going on?" Rachel asked him, worriedly as she walked towards him, "Don't touch me!"He yelled, moving at the end of the room where the punching bag hung, he gripped it tight for dear life, he was losing control and fast.    

Rachel stood there shocked and confused, she had to help him somehow and fast, because the energy he was radiating is dangerous, almost murderous.

Rachel walked towards him slowly and ever so gently wrapped her arms around his waist and focused on destroying all the negative emotions that threatened to consume her friend,  she felt his anger and sadness flow through her like a bitter glass of cheap wine and the feeling alone was enough to knock her out cold, she has never done it before, taking away someone's emotional pain, but from the sigh of relief Gar let out, it was safe to assume it was working.

"It's okay,Gar." Rachel said, her voice barely audible, if it wasn't for his slightly heightened senses, he would have never heard her.

" lose control...if to angry or excited." He tried to explain, he wasn't sure if she got the gist, but he felt her nod against his shoulder.     

"You hurt me, Rach," Gar spoke up after a prolonged silence, Rachel let go him so he can have enough space to turn around and face her, Gar faced her with the same pained facial expression he had before he ran off.

"What?" Rachel asked,confused.    

"You hurt me, I thought you'd be the last person on earth to hurt me." Gar said through gritted teeth,Rachel looked confused, was she that oblivious or was she just playing dumb?and If she was just acting dumb, then that was messed up. 

"Do You even like me? am I really your friend or am I just a means to an end?!" Gar didn't mean to yell, but he did and it seemed to have frightened Rachel, because she visibly flinched, "Gar what are you talking  about?" Rachel asked in that judgmental tone of hers that drove him crazy, "BULL SH*T!" He yelled, now walking towards her, "You know damn well what I'm talking about, I needed you and you decided that a dream, a F*CKING dream of Dick being killed by Deathstroke was more important than me being mind-controlled by CADMUS." Gar said loudly, but this time tears were forming in his eyes, Rachel reached out to wipe the tear that dropped down his cheek, but Gar caught her wrist preventing her from getting any closer than she already was "Gar." She said, her voice low and her eyes filled with tears that soon dropped down her pale cheek. 

"Don't." He hissed at her letting go of her wrist.

"You always leave me behind, Rach. And without a second thought, because you know you got me wrapped around your finger, because you know whether you go down the street or to Themyscira, I'll still be waiting for you like the idiot I am." He said, letting out a bitter laugh.

Rachel was gonna listen to everything he had to say whether she wanted to or not.  

 "You left me, Rach." Gar said through gritted teeth, looking down at the purple-head girl who had broken his heart more than he could count, "I had to!" She nearly yelled, her eyes watery, on the verge of tears again. She had no right to be hurt, not when she had been the one who left him, not when she'd been the one to treat him like an inconvenience, not when she's never put him first.

Her tears didn't affect him, not anymore.

Garfield Logan was done.

She doesn't care about him like she cares about Dick and Kory, and no amount of tears was going to change that.  

"You don't care-"

"I don't care about anyone, but myself, huh?" She interjected him, sadness gone from her voice now replaced with anger.

"No." Gar replied,taking a few breaths before continuing, "You care about everyone, but me." once he said that sentence Rachel slapped him across the face, which was a huge mistake, because next thing she knew she was pinned to the wall with her wrists on either side of her, then she realized his eyes were glowing a dangerous shade green, if her mind was not so panicked,  she could have tried to use her powers to push him off of her, but it was and at the speed of lightening Gar's fist rose ready to punch her square in the face, to cause her pain even if it was just physical and instead of trying to fight him off, Rachel closed her eyes in fear and waited for the impact of his punch.

What am I doing?  

Gar asked himself, was he really gonna punch a girl,punch Rachel?The person he swore to to protect?The person who saved him numerous times and comforted him as well but even with the good thoughts she had about her it didn't change the fact that Rachel had hurt him and left him without even a goodbye.   

 Rachel slowly opened her eyes to see Gar's fist still hovering in the air,his eyes now their normal shade of brown and his facial expression less angry and more filled shame,regret and confusion as he finally let go of her wrist.

"I'm sorry."Gar said,walking backwards away from Rachel,he couldn't believe his actions. 

He was losing his mind,letting out a pained scream he walked back towards the wall and punched it."Gar!" Rachel screamed,shocked grabbing the other teen's hand with the intentions of healing it,"Don't touch me." Gar said,releasing himself from the girl's grip,"Just don't." He said looking down at Rachel, who looked up at him with sadness and anger in her eyes,but his face was void of any emotion,he was just so tired with his feelings for the goth girl,he was tired and with nothing left to say he left Rachel alone.

Final he's the one to walk away for once.  

Rachel stood there in shock,did he just try to hit her?She could not believe the Gar,her best-est friend in the entire universe,ALMOST hit her,how could he?Her confusion soon turned into rage. 

How dare he do that to her?She trusted him.

Rachel was hurt more than anything,she thought that things between them were fine,she thought their friendship was beyond okay,but as usual she was wrong,she thought Gar understood the position she was in,she had to leave to save Donna and he was upset about her not saying a goodbye,how selfish could he be?Garfield Logan was dead to her.  

Clenching her hands into fists she let out a banshee scream.  

Gar paused,he heard her scream,it made every cell in his body want to go back and apologize for all the things he said,but he told himself that their "friendship" was not worth fighting for.

So with that he kept walking.

Do You Even Love Me? [Titans Fanfiction] *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now