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Yesterday was tiring, both physically and emotionally, Gar didn't have it within him to get up, he just wanted to lay down until he was thirty.

There's gonna be moments in someone's life where they stand up to their friends and downright tell them how they've hurt them, and normally people feel liberated, but Gar felt awful.

Was he too cruel, too inconsiderate, goodness he probably was, he made Rachel cry and the scary part is that in that moment he didn't feel remorse, he felt almost proud.

Trigon saving him probably unlocked some inner demons he tried to suppress or CADMUS probably did break him beyond repair.

He wanted to apologize, he needed to apologize.

He reached for his phone that laid on the nightstand and saw it was 7:00 AM, training starts in an hour and everyone had or is having their breakfast, everyone expects him. Whatever he didn't feel hungry anyway.

First things first, he needed a shower.


"Where's Tigerboy?" Rose asked, noticing the kid who was usually the first one to be up, second only to the workaholic himself, Dick Grayson was absent.

Jason shrugged in response then both he and Rose looked at Rachel, who sat across them nursing a cup of dark coffee that she had yet to take a sip from, not paying much attention to what Rose and Jason were talking about.

"Earth to the space witch, hello?!" Rose said loudly, snapping her fingers in front of the goth girl's face, it took a good 5 seconds to get her out of her thoughts, blinking a few times Rachel looked at Rose, annoyed wanting to know the reason of her being disturbed.

"Where's your boyfriend?" She asked, if Rachel was drinking the already cold coffee in her hands, she would have choked.

"He is not my boyfriend." And once she said that, as if on cue, the man of the hour himself walked in, "Morning Tigerboy!" Rose said loudly, earning an annoyed grunt from the green-haired boy.

"For the last time, it's Beastboy!" Responded Gar just as loud as he took an energy drink from the refrigerator.

"I can turn into the entire animal kingdom, not just a tiger, okay?" He said, sounding like he said this very sentence more than ten times, and he did.

"I've only seen you turn into a tiger hence the code-name," Rose said, looking as smug ever.

Gar opened his mouth to say the same thing he always says after Rose says something between those lines, but quickly thought against it, this was getting old and he didn't have the energy for it.

"You know what? I'm done." He said, opening the can and taking a few gulps until the can was almost empty then he walked towards his usual sit, but then he stopped halfway realizing his usual seat now had Rachel sitting beside it, which meant he had to sit beside her.

"Kill me, please." Mumbled Gar as he slowly made his way to the chair and prayed to God, she doesn't throw him across the room.

Rachel wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole, the tension in the room was so thick that not even a knife could cut through it, Gar sat beside her and like the chicken she is, couldn't look up from her cup since he walked in, Rachel was able to banish her father to another dimension, survive training with Dick and brought Wondergirl back to life, but for whatever reason talking to Gar right now was the most stress evoking thing out of everything she's done so far.

Rose and Jason knew what was going on they watched their petty arguments in the same surveillance room Dick loves to use to"keep an eye on them", the little creep.

For a good second, while watching the whole ordeal, Jason thought Gar was gonna punch his "precious" Raven, but of course, he chickened out, what a wimp, what is it with these two and their weird attachment to each other, their relationship is just...he didn't know what to call it, adorably disgusting?

"Jason wanna get the hell outta here?" Rose asked, getting up from her seat, eyes glued to Jason, who gave the other teens the same annoyed look she had given them, "I don't do secondhand embarrassment." She said, walking towards the exit, "Right behind you, bae." Jason said, getting up from his seat as well and following the only person he thought was cool enough to hang with, living Gar alone with Rachel.

"So uh- how do you like your code-name?"Gar asked awkwardly daring to look in the girl's direction. Rachel looked at him for a good 4 seconds, before looking away her mouth opening and closing as though looking for the right thing to say when she looked back down to her cup of coffee, Gar saw her grip it slightly, he was certain whatever her answer was, it was not going to be kind, he was screwed so he looked down at his cool drink, closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable disappointment.

"I love it." She finally said. Gar looked up in shock he most definitely did not expect that. Rachel looked at him with what seemed like a sad smile, but a smile nonetheless and directed at him.

"Why Raven, though?" Rachel asked, now her entire body turned towards his. Gar blushed knowing telling Rachel the reason he gave her the name "Raven" is probably going to be embarrassing "I just think that ravens are cool and thought it'd fit you, it's not like I researched your personality to see what animal fits you." Gar said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, why was he such a dork around her. Idiot.

Rachel then did something they both didn't expect, she kissed him on the cheek. The kiss was dangerously close to his lips, that if he just "accidentally" shifted his head in her direction he would finally get that kiss he always wanted from the second they met, he wanted to know how her lips felt, were they as soft as they looked, he wanted to know, desperately, but he didn't. He couldn't.

COWARD! Rachel's thoughts screamed at her the second she pulled away, she wanted to kiss him, of course, she wanted to KISS HIM!, but she couldn't, she shouldn't Gar deserved better and better wasn't her. The room fell silent, Rachel's eyes were staring at Gar's lips and his eyes were on hers, she looked as dazed as he felt.

DON'T DO IT! both their brains screamed, but their limbs contradicted their thoughts as they both moved in, leaned in. The millisecond their lips made contact Gar felt something pulse through him, it felt electric almost like when he'd turn into a tiger, but better he wanted to feel Rachel more so he cupped her face in both palms of his hands and put more pressure onto their connected lips, whatever stopped him from kissing her was long gone, he didn't want to ever stop kissing her. ever.

While Gar was feeling a wide range of emotions, Rachel felt nothing, no. She felt at ease, she'd heard about how your first kiss was supposed to be electric and how you'd be swept off your feet, but she didn't feel any of that she felt so relaxed like she was sedated by a drug of some sort, something was off and she knew it, but those thoughts cleared as fast as they came as though washed away by a wave of security, I love you so much, those words played in her head like a broken record, but it wasn't her voice it was Gars.

Subconsciously moving her hands up, Rachel grasped onto Gar's sweater to pull him even closer, as though he was going to turn into smoke that will slip out of her fingers and she'll be damned if that happens.

"ahem." Kory cleared her throat, standing at the door with arms crossed.

Both Gar and Rachel yelped, letting go of each other like hot potatoes, Gar stood up and faced the alien princess. Rachel, on the other hand, who was already facing her, just stood up and stared at her in shock. Gar's face turned fifty shades redder, there was no way they could lie themselves out this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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